Chapter eighteen: round one (part 1)

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Author's notes: heyo everyone, It's yet another chapter of the yellow fox today. The first round of the fifth exam, That's bound to be interesting... I won't be making the battles here too long since we have a few different battles to get through today. I'll try to make the important battles as detailed as I can without getting too deep into them.

Chapter eighteen: round one (part 1)

Naruto found the past month very enjoyable as he relaxed at home with his girls. He helped the girls that needed it to train and he would finally get to see the results. The full month has already passed and today was finally the day of the tournament.

Naruto found himself surrounded by his girls, Kushina and Mikoto transformed into normal civilians as they walked alongside the group of Naruto and his girls towards the stadium of the Chunin exams.

Once they all made it to the stadium, Naruto, Ino, Kury, Karin, Saru, Fuu, Hinata, Ami, Yuina, Yuuri and Yugito walked into the battlefield while the others separated into their seats.

Anko, Yugao, Kurenai and Hana went to the Jonin seats. Mei went to the kage booth where she would meet up with Chojuro and Ao while the rest of the girls, including Haku, Ayame, Chomei, Shukaku, Matatabi, Kin, the disguised Kushina and the disguised Mikoto went towards the normal spectators' seats.

Naruto and the girls found themselves waiting for a few minutes, watching as the other participants of the exam arrived before the proctor for the exam arrived.

He had brown, shoulder-length hair which hangs about his face and brown eyes. He wore his forehead protector like a bandanna, and the standard jonin outfit and had a senbon in his mouth.

The man looked around. "Welcome to this year's Chunin exams! Today, we have twenty eight talented genin competing to see which of them has the skill, mindset and capabilities to receive a promotion in rank. Today will also be the last exam of the biggest chunin exams ever. Because of that, we are all graced with the presence of not only the Hokage, but the Kazekage, the Raikage, the Tsuchikage, the Rebel forces leader of Kirigakure, acting as the Mizukage and finally, the Takikage. Let us begin the tournament with a few quick words from our very own Hokage." he spoke, using his chakra to amplify his voice.

The whole arena quieted down and the gaze of everyone turned to the Kage booth, where all the leaders sat.

In the booth, at the furthest seat to the right sat Onoki, the Tsuchikage. He was a very short, old man with a triangular beard and a mustache that had angular corners, a big red nose and thick eyebrows. The top of his head was completely bald, although he had long white hair on the lower-half of his head which is styled in a traditional chonmage haircut, the back of which was tied with a yellow ribbon into a topknot. Onoki wore a split apart green coat divided into four sections with yellow trimmings, and a red collar. Underneath he wore the traditional Iwagakure outfit consisting of a light green version of Iwagakure's flak jacket and mesh armor. He however had both sleeves of his shirt, but kept the single lapel on his right side. Along with this, he wore sandals.

To his left sat A, the Raikage. He had dark skin with a large muscular build, blond hair combed back, a small mustache and a goatee. His face has pronounced cheekbones and tear troughs under his eyes, and a prominent crease across his forehead. He has pointed canines and his top lip also has a darker hue than the bottom one. A wore a white haori without a shirt underneath and the traditional Raikage hat. He has black Fuma Shuriken tattoos on both shoulders and wore large, golden vambraces on his wrists.

To his left sat Rasa, the Kazekage. He had auburn hair, dark eyes and was depicted with a very stern look on his face. He had two creases around his mouth. He wore the standard attire of the Kazekage which consisted of a loose fitting green kimono with a white collar and the signature hat with the kanji for wind on it.

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