Chapter eight: shy lover and sultry sensei

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Author's notes: hey guys and girls, I'm back with another chapter.

For those of you who are curious where Naruto and the girls will go after I finish the Naruto story-line, let me tell you.

Once they are done with the Naruto plot, they are going to get aboard a ship and start sailing around the world. Yep, you guessed it right, they are going into the one piece world. I'm really excited to get there since my favorite girls are from there. I don't know why but I really love Nami, Hancock and especially Nico robin...

Anyways, I hope you guys and girls are excited as well because in about twenty to thirty chapters we will leave the main land of the elemental nations and go straight into one piece (probably start at cocoyashi village and the Arlong park).


Naruto went on a mission to the waterfall village where he met Fuu. he trained the girl for a few days before fucking her into unconsciousness and extracting Chonei from her.

He defeated Chomei in a battle, causing her to submit to him as his servant. After he won the fight He fucked Chomei and Kurama.

Naruto left a scroll with a few hundred shadow clones with Fuu so she won't be lonely with him gone before leaving.

He told Hiruzen and the council about Chomei and Kurama and about how he met them and how they got to a point where Naruto was the master of two out of the three most powerful bijuu.

Chapter eight: shy lover and sultry sensei

Once Naruto disappeared from the council room via his Kamui, he appeared in his house where he sent clones to go get his girls. Meanwhile, Naruto dropped Kurama and Chomei off at his estate before going off somewhere.

*Yamanaka flower shop*

One of Naruto's clones appeared at Ino's marker and much to his surprise, she was actually doing her job and working. She stood behind the counter of the store, speaking with a customer.

Naruto quickly identified her customer to be Kurenai yuhi not that he cared too much. Naruto teleported behind Ino and wrapped his arms around her chest making both girls jump in surprise.

"Hey Ino, I'm back. Miss me?" he asked with a huge grin. It took a few moments for Ino to register the voice but once she did, she turned her head around and gave Naruto a kiss. "Of course I did." she said happily.

She turned back to Kurenai who didn't notice her face twist into a frown. She didn't frown at the man. Now she frowned at the love itself. "So what were you saying you needed those flowers for?" Ino asked, continuing their conversation as if the blond wasn't there.

Kurenai sadly looked down. "I need those flowers to break up with Asuma... he is just not my type." she said sadly.

Ino nodded in understanding. "I feel bad for you... It's a shame you didn't find a man like Naruto-kun, he is just perfect." she said, kissing the blond again with a set of perverted giggles.

Kurenai never commented on that, only slightly blushed and looked away. "Anyway, thank you for your help Ino. I'll be going now, I need to prepare myself for what I'm about to do..." she said before leaving the store.

Naruto filed the fact that Kurenai was now heartbroken for later before turning Ino around and kissing her. "When does your shift end?" he asked. "I have about half an hour left. you will wait with me here, right?" she asked. Naruto nodded, "of course"

*training ground 44*

The other Naruto clone appeared at the tower of the training ground where Anko lived and started to look around. He decided to go to her room to see if she was there. He didn't bother knocking and simply walked through the door using Kamui.

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