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Noah's POV (as usual please forgive me for any spelling grammar and word choice errors I really do try when editing and tysm for reading❤️)

As I come back into reality and out of my dreams everything is fuzzy but once it clears up I see Pax cuddled into my side with his head on my chest

I smile at the sight and start combing my fingers through his dark locks

It stayed this way for a perfect few minutes

He opened his eyes slowly and I payed no mind to him as I kept running my hand through his hair

"Hi" he says cuddling into my chest I almost died.


"Few more minutes then we have to get ready it's almost noon" he says glancing at the clock in my room from the spot he has his head on my chest.

"Ok"I whispered softly continuing what I was doing

The few minutes pass and he slowly got up and off of my bed

"I had help with packing something for you so don't worry and just get changed and bring your slides" I rarely use my Addis slides but shrug

Pax leaves my room so I can get changed and I grab everything I might need like my wallet phone and slides for some reason

"Thanks Rebecca" Pax said as he grabbed a basket and put it into his truck

"Hey Noah. Ready" he asked me and I nodded my head

I get into his car and put my seat belt on and Pax did the same

"Want the aux baby you can play your music" Pax offered and I smiled saying thank you

Pax and I had arrived at the beach and my eyes widened

"Surprise" he asked me and I nod

"Let's go get changed then" he said getting out of the car with me following him to the men's locker room. We both went into a stall in the bathroom and changed into our bathing suits and a shirt for now.

Once we got changed he took me out to a less crowded area of the beach and he set down a large picnic like blanket that could fit the two of us easily with our stuff.

"Come on" I say taking my shirt off and grabbing his hand and dragging him over to the water

"Alright I'm coming" he chuckles and takes his shirt off following behind me

I walked into the water and let go of Pax's hand once he was in too until the water was up to my shoulders and Pax's upper chest

"Hi" Pax whispers drifting close to me in the cold ocean water

"Hi" I say back blushing. He started to come closer until our chests were touching and he started to lean down towards my lips.

Me being the awkward person I am I splash him and burst out laughing when he gets a mouth full of sea water.

My face instantly drops when I notice he has an angry expression gracing his beautiful face

"Pax. Think about this" I say warily and start swimming away as fast as I can but it's short lived when I feel a hand grasp around my ankle and yank me towards the source which also happened to be my impending doom.

"That wasn't very nice Noah" he scolds me while I still flail trying to get out of his hold

"I didn't mean it"I say kicking to swim away and accidentally kick him in his crotch.

"Fuck" Pax says wincing. My eyes widen

"I'm sorry" I say and help him back to the beach

"It's fine" he says sitting on the sand which is being hit lightly by the tide.

I quickly scramble to our stuff and grab one of the towels and start to towel him off so he doesn't drench our blanket.

He then takes the other beach towel I had brought and opens it wide and engulfed me in it bringing me into his arms

"I really didn't mean it" I whispered resting the back of my head on his chest and looking out on the horizon.

"I know Noah" he said kissing my head while sitting there looking out at the water.

"Did I ruin everything"

"No baby. Why would you ask that" Pax asked shocked And I shrugged.

"Come on Rebecca packed some food and stuff for us"he said tugging me up and towards the blanket and basket he had set up

It was now almost two and I was hungry again so food was a much welcomed thing in my book.

"C'mere" Pax said softly while making sure everything was perfect

I crawled into his lap and snuggled up. It was one of my favorite places to be

"Open baby" he said presenting me with some cantaloupe on a fork which I gladly accepted

I then stole the fork and pierced a strawberry and put it in front of his mouth. He took it and we took turns feeding each other until all of the fruit was gone.

"Are you enjoying yourself" I heard from next to me on the blanket

"Yea. Today has been the best" I smile happily

"I'm so happy you liked our first date baby boy" Pax said kissing my lips softly and I melted into the kiss just adoring everything about Pax.

"Thank you"

"No thanks needed. It was worth seeing the smile and joy on your face" Pax said and kissed me again before pulling away and bringing us back to my house.

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