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Noah's POV (as usual please forgive me for any spelling grammar and word choice errors I really do try when editing and tysm for reading❤️)

It had been a few weeks after Pax and I made a statement against Darren. My dad decided not to press charges as long as he never puts a hand on me again. Pax's dad who happened to know a few lawyers suggested to my dad that we'd have a better case of we pressed charges if god forbid it happened a second time.

Tonight was an away meet for Pax and I was excited to go. I had a cute "my boyfriend is on the swim team" spectator look and I was so excited

I put light blue and white stripes under my eyes and was dressed in Paxton's captain's swim team sweatshirt which happened to be a white sweatshirt with some baby blue designs here and there and the writing in black

I paired it with some black ripped jeans and my black converse.

Pax, Onyx, and the rest of the swim team had to go just as school ended so they could get practice in. Before Pax had to leave I walked with him to get all of his stuff before he had to go onto the bus where I gave him a kiss for good luck

"Noah you ready to go" Dad asked me and I grabbed my phone and put my wallet into my back pocket

"Yeah coming" I yelled from my room and started heading downstairs

"Do we have to go" Sapphire whined and Rebecca gave her a stern look

"Honey that's not nice. Onyx comes to all of your events" Rebecca reminder my sister. Sapphire then had a some what guilty look but huffed annoyed nonetheless but still climbed into the car.

Once we arrived at the rival team's school we went towards the pool and found a spot relatively close towards the front  and I spotted Pax and Onyx by the locker room door with the rest of the team

"Im going to go wish them luck before they start" I tell dad and Rebecca before getting out of the bleachers and by the exit of the locker room where our school's team was standing.

"Hi" I say walking over

"Hey baby" pax said hugging me

"I see you've taken my sweatshirt" he says quirking an eyebrow up

"It was comfy and I figure I'd wear it to one of your events for luck" he smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek

"They're starting soon so I'll let you guys finish getting ready. Good luck" I said rubbing Pax's bare shoulders and giving him a quick peck in the lips

"Good luck Onyx, good luck everyone" I said and walked back to where I was sitting with dad, Sapphire and Rebecca

"Hey" I said sitting down and Rebecca smiled and Sapphire and dad argued over who's turn it was to do the laundry. We all knew dad didn't want to do it so he was playfully arguing with Sapphire while she thought he was being serious so I just laughed.

We had watched as event after event happened and our school won the competition but I could see something had been bothering Pax as he was on the side when he wasn't swimming or even when he was his head wasn't solely focused on the event itself.

"I'm going to go check on Pax" I said and quickly dashed for the locker room

"Say it again to my face" Pax said pushing someone from the other school against a locker

"Pax stop" I said grabbing his shoulder and he glared at me and the guy pushed past pax and out of the locker room

"Say it again dumb ass. Talk shit about us one more time" Nyx said threatening the guy who Pax was pinning up against the locker just seconds ago

"What happened" I asked and then John some kid on our school's swim team decided to speak up

"He was just running his mouth  and being an ass hole cuz he lost and at his own school. He's just a pissed off rich kid don't worry" He said and I nodded

"Hey it's ok you did great so don't worry" I said and he nodded

"Come on. I want to take you out" I said and he nodded and I waited for him while he got changed in the locker room.

Once he walked out it took almost fifteen minutes of begging him to let me drive his truck to be able to take him to the place I wanted to surprise him with.

Knowing that he swam a lot and everything I know he's going to be super hungry so I took him to Amelia's. Rebecca's sister owns the place and is one of the top cooks here.

"Have you been here before" I ask and he shook his head

"No but it smells great" I just laugh

"It is but I know everything to you smells great when your hungry." He chuckled slightly and I smiled

"Come on let's go inside" I said walking with him hand in had inside as the bells on the door chimed above us

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