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Noah's POV

After Pax got me food and helped me calm down I went to sleep and he promised me he'd go home and try to get some sleep as well.

This morning I woke up hot and achy and my throat hurting.

"Noah honey it's time to get up for school" Rebecca said walking into my room and before she could wake me up I shot up and ran into my bathroom just barely making it to the toilet and emptying the contents of my stomach that I had consumed hours ago.

"Oh honey back to bed, no school for today" Rebecca said after I brushed my teeth and walked from the bathroom.

"Nick can you call Noah in" Rebecca yelled from my room

"Alright. He sick?" Dad asked and Rebecca replied with a loud Yeah so dad could hear from downstairs

"Get some rest sweetheart" she says and leaves my room and returns giving me a throw up bucket in case I can't make it to the bathroom and a water bottle.

I soon fall asleep but am woken up an hour later due to discomfort and a text alert

"Baby where r u? R u still upset with me I'm sry 💔"

"It's not u promise Im just sick 🤒 🤕"

"U don't have to say anything else I'll be over soon 😘"

"U don't need to"


And with that he stopped texting and I sighed

The door then opened and I heard Rebecca talking to someone downstairs before I heard heavy foot steps coming toward my room

"Hi baby" Pax said holding a pair of his sweat pants

My eyes light up because his pajama pants are always so comfy and it's October and getting colder each day

"Rebecca had to go she had an emergency at work " he says sitting on my bed and running a hand through my hair and I wiggle closer to him

"But I don't want to get you sick" he smiled slightly

"I'm fine. And if I do so be it I'm rarely sick. Plus I'd risk it to make you feel better" he says kissing my forehead so I hug him

"Alright I'll let you get changed and then how do you feel about a nap" he asked and I nodded tiredly

I get up and this caused me to be even more nauseous and hot so I took off my shirt and pajama bottoms and put on the one pax gave me without putting on a shirt after

I suddenly feel groggy as I wake up from my nap and grab the bucket Rebecca gave me this morning and threw up

Pax quickly scooped me up while I was throwing up into the bucket and brought me back into the bathroom

Then he gave me a cup of mouthwash which I refused

"The mint is going to make me throw up again" I whine and he nods getting a cup and filling it with some water for me to rinse my mouth with and I smile gratefully

"I'm going to go out and get you some thing to help you ok baby" I groan

"I promise I'll be as fast as I can" he said pulling me into his lap as we sat on the cool tile of my bathroom floor

"Will you be ok" he asks and I nod

"Let's get back to bed then I'll make you something to eat baby" he said laying me in my bed and bringing the covers up to my chest

He leaves and I go back to sleep.
Pax's POV

I feel bad leaving Noah by himself especially when he just threw up but I have to get some things from the store to try and help him feel better.

I get in my truck and went to one of the closest supermarkets to get him some medication to help break his fever and I pick him up some ginger ale to help his stomach.

After I put that into a hand basket I grab some carrots, celery, onions, and some seasonings to make him soup.

I felt bad and I didn't want to use the stuff at Noah's house so I figured I'd pick it up instead

On the way to check out I grab some snacks and oyster crackers for Noah and checkout

I wasn't out that long and it was almost noon now so I figured I'd get an early start on lunch for Noah

As I walked into the house I set everything down in the kitchen and go to check on Noah who happened to be sound asleep so I went back downstairs and started to chop and prepare everything.

Soon I had a pot full of water on the stove boiling so I added some turmeric, chicken bullion cube, and other spices and seasonings as well as the vegetables and waited while it was cooking.

I poured a cup of ginger ale for Noah and walked up to his room to find him awake

"Hey baby I brought some soda to help settle your stomach I offer and he nods reaching out for the cup

"What smells so good" he asks and I chuckle

"I made some soup for your lunch and I also picked up some oyster crackers like you like" I said and he smiled

"Thank you so much Pax" he said and hugged me I took his temperature and it was back to normal but I could tell he still didn't feel well

"You want to eat here or downstairs"

"Downstairs please" he said so I scooped him up being careful not to jostle him and he giggled to his heart's content as I brought him downstairs.

We ate and talked and I just stayed with him helping him to feel better and he complimented me telling me that Rebecca has some competition on who's soup is better.

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