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Pax's POV (as usual please forgive any spelling grammar and/or word choice errors I really do try while editing and tysm for reading❤️)

I sat with my elbows on my bouncing knees and my head in my hands.

It had been three months since Christmas and it was now March. I was getting worried that Noah might not wake up since the doctor said the longer he takes to wake up the less of a chance he has at actually waking up. He also said there is a possibility for Noah to have brain damage or trauma but we can only know once he wakes up

He is laid down on his hospital bed looking pale and lifeless while I just sit here feeling helpless.

I try to be here as much as possible for him in case he wakes up and everyone else is too. Sapphire Rebecca and Esme come in here and cry while everyone else tries to hold it together

I just want my amazing breath taking boyfriend back. I miss him and I want him to be ok

"Pax honey" my mom said as she shook me awake

"Mmm" I whined still tired

"Honey. The doctor said Noah is starting to regain some color and that's a good sign but they still don't know when he might wake up

I just nod and walk over to Noah and place a kiss on his forehead before I have to leave.

Please wake up Noah

Noah's POV

As I open my eyes the world was presented as a blurry place making me blink a few times before everything came into focus

It was hard to breathe, hard to move,hard to think with my foggy memory

I could hear the heart monitor freaking out and the doctors and nurses rushed into the room.

"Calm down honey I'm going to take the oxygen mask off ok" one of the nurses said and I nodded while she took off the oxygen mask

"Honey can you tell me your name" the nurse asked

"Noah Bennett" I say and she smiles

"Good. Now here is some water but take small amounts at a time we don't want you getting sick. " She says and I nod

"What is the last thing you remember"

"M-my mom came over for Christmas to celebrate with my family and with my boyfriend and his family" she nods while writing this down

"And what are your parents' names and your boyfriends name as well" she asked

"My dad is Nicholas Bennett my step mom is Rebecca Maxwell-Bennett, my mom is Esme DuPont, and my boyfriend is Paxton Ortiz"

"Very good. Now can you follow the light with your eyes for me hun" I do as asked and she nods

"So you seem to have all your memories and don't have a concussion but we need to observe to make sure one won't develop soon. I'll let your family in. They've been worried about you"

"Oh sweet heart" I hear Rebecca say as she enter with dad and my siblings.

"Where's mom" I asked and dads eyes wouldn't meet my own.

"Noah she slowly stopped visiting you. She said every time she visited she was guilt ridden and the longer you were in a coma the more guilty and scared she was that you wouldn't wake up" I nodded and Sapphire sat on the bed and gave me a light hug as if she was afraid she'd break me.

"How do you feel" dad asked me

"Tired." I replied honestly

"we'll let you rest" Dad said and they left the room and though I fell asleep it was an empty dreamless sleep. I knew when I woke up I'd still be tired.

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