Medical Coma

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    I am heading back to the clubhouse from taking midwife courses. Dammit, Ivy wants to have a home birth and Wolf wants her happy. Just because Sadie went too fast and had Austin at home. Hawk and Ironhorse told her how their mom gave birth at home too. Of course, she did they are fucking Native Americans.
    I see a body in the road and a car speed off. Tag HY345P. I stop my bike and go to check on my body. Holy shit, it’s a woman. Even beaten she is beautiful. I catch her big brown eyes, “Stay with me. I am a doctor. Keep your eyes open.” I yell. She passes out. Her pulse is thready. I pull out my phone. It’s dead, fuck. I take off my shirt and rip it into shreds. I pick her up, carry her to my bike, situate her in front of me, and tie her to me. I start my bike and go as fast as I can to the clubhouse. 
    After I park, I hurry through the clubhouse to my clinic. Of course, I grab a lot of attention. Jules and Sheila follow me, I tell Jules to get an IV going. I ask Sheila to grab some warm soapy water and iodine. I lay her down and start grabbing what I need to patch her up. Jules starts the IV, “Who is she? What the hell happened to her?” she asks. “I don’t know” I reply, “Check her pockets. See if she has any identification.” Sheila and I start cleaning and dressing her wounds. “Found her identification and a card that states she’s deaf,” Jules states. “Sheila, can you have Tech run her and the tag number HY345P?” I ask. “Yes," she replies. I finish up all the superficial wounds and then start stitching the bigger ones. “I think her hand is broken and maybe a couple of ribs too,” I say. “I will bring the portable X-ray,” Jules says. Once, I am done stitching her deep lacerations, I check the X-rays. “Yeah, broken hand, just cracked ribs. Tape them up and I will cast her hand. After I am done, I am going to go talk to Tech. Can you stay and watch her? I don’t expect her to wake for a while. Her head injuries are pretty bad.” I say. I give her a hot pink cast and leave to go see Tech.
    I knock, and Tech says come in. “What did you find out?” I ask. “Paige Donahue, age 28, was found abandoned at a church with a note stating her name is Paige, I can’t care for a deaf baby. She was just a day old. She got the last name Donahue from the priest who found her. She was put in an orphanage for deaf children and raised in a deaf community.  The community leaders lead it like a cult or Amish. If you leave they shun you. Weird. Graduated college with degrees in counseling and child development. Works at the free clinic downtown,  counseling at-risk teens mostly but others,  also. The tags were stolen. That’s all I have,” he replies. “I need her medical records. I need to give her medication and don’t know if she has allergies, the sooner the better. Bring it to me at the clinic.” I tell him. “ Have it for you within the hour,” he promises as I leave.
    I grab some dinner and go back to the clinic to relieve Jules. “Any problems?” I ask. “No everything is holding steady. What are we going to do with her?” she asks. “I am going to care for her until she heals and go from there. Can you ask Mayhem to come to see me?” I ask. “Yeah,  I will see you later,” she replies. I wave to her, settling into the chair by the bed and eating my dinner. Mayhem comes in thirty minutes later with Paige's medical records. “I guess, you are going to tell me you want to keep her here while she heals. Then find out what happened.” he deadpans. “Yes. I feel responsible for her. I found her right as the guy ran back to the car and drove off. I think I saw a cut on the guy but not one I recognize. If we have an MC hurting women in our territory, we need to know.” I inform him. “Yeah, we do need to know if that is the case. We will have church in the morning and see if we can dig up any new MCs in the area,” he commands. “See you later,” I say as he leaves.

    I start reading her medical records and giving her meds. I know with her head injuries it would be best to keep her in a medically induced coma for now. So I start the meds for that. I pull another bed into her room and lay down. I will make sure she doesn't seize or anything through the night.

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