Stress And Doubts

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       I was surprised and happy for having been there for the birth of Ivy’s twins. It made me feel like part of the family. Realizing that panics me, I can’t trust these bikers. Sure I told them about the warehouses but that is to save the others. I have no reason other than that to trust them. I am not now or never will be a part of this family. Time for me to remember that and keep my distance.

       For the next few days, I only leave my room to eat and see if they have rescued the others. Everyone keeps asking if I am okay. I just nod and smile, then disappear back to my sanctuary. By today, which is the fourth day, I still haven’t seen any rescue of the women. I am starting to think that they lied. I just returned to my room from dinner. The guys installed a light that flashes if anyone pushes a button by my door. That way I would know if someone wants to come into my room.

        I have been back in my room for twenty minutes from dinner. The light starts flashing. I think about ignoring it. I have been sitting here thinking about packing, and moving back to the community where I grew up. Maybe, what they taught us about the hearing, just using and abusing the deaf wasn’t so far-fetched. The light starts flashing again during my inner dialog. I get up wiping the tears that are falling. I open the door and see Ivy with the twins. “May we come in?” she asks.  I nod and step back for them to enter.  We go sit on my couch. “I know something is wrong, please, tell me what so I can help you. Don’t lie to me or shut me out.” Ivy begs. I sigh and decide to tell her.  “I think I made a mistake with trusting everyone. I told them the addresses of the warehouses and nothing has happened. No one has been rescued. I am beginning to think that my old community was right, that hearing people are evil. I am thankful for Doc and everyone for helping me, but maybe I am better off just around my own kind.” I tell her. She has tears rolling down her cheeks after my explanation.  “Do you trust me? Do you trust Doc?” she asked me. “I am trying to but I am not sure.  Everyone I trust betrays me, so I am not sure my trusting you is for the best.” I sign to her. “There are multiple reasons nothing has happened yet. One is, the warehouses are over multiple territories, and they are planning. Two being, they are getting the local chapter of the Hell’s Angels involved too. One of the warehouses is on their territory. The last reason is that I just had the twins and Wolf doesn’t want to leave me yet, and they need him. I feel guilty that you are doubting us and our club partly because of me.” Ivy says crying. Now I feel like shit because I upset her.

     I sent Doc a text, asking for him and Wolf to come help. She is really crying and so are the twins. Damn it, maybe, I am the bad guy.
A few minutes later, the light flashes again. I rush to open the door. I had explained part of the problem to Doc in text and obviously, he informed Wolf. I open the door to a concerned Doc and a pissed Wolf. I get a glare as Wolf pushes past me. Doc glares at him. I motion for him to follow me to the sitting area. Wolf is comforting Ivy and holding her when we get there. I can't tell what he is saying to her but Doc must not like it.  He gives Wolf a death glare. “She told Ivy how she feels. There is no right or wrong way to feel. If we had been through all she has, we would have a hard time trusting too.” Doc yells. I can tell he is yelling cause his face is red. “That bitch, upset Ivy. We do things with a plan, not on her fucking timetable.”  Wolf retorts. “Don’t call her a bitch for speaking her mind when Ivy asked her to be honest. Paige is allowed to have thoughts and feelings too. She has been betrayed a lot, so you can’t blame her for feeling like she does.” Doc yells while pushing Wolf back down into his seat. Ivy puts her hand on his arm, “Doc is right. It’s not her fault I am so upset. I understand where she is coming from. My damn hormones are still all wacky.” Ivy states and Wolf instantly calms and melts into her.  “I am sorry for what I said.” Wolf signs to me. That surprises me, both because he signs and because he apologized. I smile and nod in understanding. “I get where you are coming from. You were protecting your wife. I upset her. That upset you. I get it. I respect you for it.” I sign back. He smiles and nods. “Things are going to get done. We have a meeting with the Hell’s Angels tonight and we will need you there, too. We need you to tell them your story and about the addresses. I promise Paige, that things are in motion. We plan to hit them all on the same night. We are hoping that we can arrange it for this weekend. Just have faith and some trust in us. I know trust is hard for you, but we are different. The girls told you that and I know you have seen it yourself, too. Just give us the time to do it. We will keep you updated, the best we can, so you will see we are trustworthy.” Doc signs and Wolf nods in agreement.  “I will try. I do see the difference and I will try. I will talk to whoever you need me to do, this shit needs to end.” I reply. They all nod. “We will go, so you can rest and relax before the meeting. I know how men, especially bikers, scare you. So be prepared.” Doc says getting up. They all leave me to my thoughts. After all the emotional stuff I need a nap. I go and lay down letting the darkness take me.

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