Claimed And Other Confusing Thoughts

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After Doc leaves, I sit on the couch trying to sort out everything that has happened. I am not ashamed that I kissed him. I am falling for him and falling fast. I can't stop it even if I wanted to. They caught and killed Candace. I don't know how to feel about it. I think I should feel bad since she was a friend, but not a very good one, obviously. Part of me also feels like she got what she deserved. Who knows how many women she helped them get and then sold into sex slavery because they trusted her? There is no doubt in my mind that she betrayed me more than anyone else in my life. All for some sick relationship with her brother. There wasn't something right in that woman's head. I didn't even realize I was crying until a tear drip hit the back of my hand. I don't know if I was crying for the way Candace betrayed me, for all the women stuck in sex slavery because of her, or the loss of someone I once considered a friend. I didn't have time to think about it anymore or to figure it out, since the light signaled someone is at my door.

I get up to go to the door and open it to see Sheila, Ivy, and Jules. "What happened to your door?" Ivy signs. "Doc heard me screaming, having a nightmare. He most of broke it to get to me." I reply. "I will send someone up to fix it later," Sheila says. I nod and wave them in. We go to the sitting area and sit down.

We sit here in awkward silence for what seems like forever, but I am sure it has barely been one minute. I break the awkwardness by offering everyone a drink. They decline. "I... we know Doc told you what happened to and with Candace. I know at one time you considered her a friend. I am sorry she wasn't a real friend to you. I am not sorry about the fact we did what we had to, to protect you and this club. I really like you. Hell all of us really like you and we wanted to make sure you are okay after finding out. Also hoping to find out you don't hate us now for doing that." Ivy signs with tears gleaming in her eyes. "You're right, I did consider her a friend at one time. She proved herself not to be one. I hate her for what she did. I don't hate you, ladies for doing what needed to be done. If she hadn't done what she did, I wouldn't have found me some real friends in you ladies or Doc either." I reply blushing. I hope they don't notice the blush I get from thinking about Doc.

I notice tears in their eyes as they pull me into a group hug. "We are so glad you consider us friends. We all love having you here and consider you a friend too. If that blush is any indication, I think you see Doc as more than a friend." Sheila teases. I blush even more, pretty sure I look like a tomato by now. I let my hair fall into my face trying to hide my reaction. A pair of cool fingers lift my chin so I can see them. "He likes you too. As more than a friend. I can tell. I have seen the way he watches you when he thinks no one is looking. I can also tell by the way he smiles when he talks about you. I should know, I am his nurse and spend the most time with him." Jules informs me. I blush and nod. "We will let you rest and have some quiet before the Angels arrive. Just be honest with them and don't let them intimate you. The guys won't let anyone hurt you." Sheila says standing.

About thirty minutes after the women left, I felt vibrations of the group of motorbikes pulling in. I look out the windows to the parking lot and see about twenty bikes pulling in. I notice their vest is different than Doc's vest. Must be the Hell's Angels, I think to myself. I head out and to the elevator. No need to wait for someone to have to come get me for this meeting. I will just head down and wait for them to need me.

I exit the elevator on the first floor and head to the bar because it is close to their meeting room. I spot the ladies at a booth by themselves. I walk over and they wave for me to join them. "Want a drink?" a redhead, I think named Cherry asks. I nod and ask for a beer. She smiles and nods as she walks away. She brings me back a beer a few minutes later. Doc spots me as a large group of men, some I know and some new ones walk in. He smiles as he heads our way. "We are going into the meeting now. I will open the door and wave you in when we need you," he explains. I smile and thank him. I notice him smiling at me before he walks in and joins the others, closing the door behind him.

The girls and I are joined by Cherry, Sadie, and Chloe. We all carry on small talk as I watch the door for Doc. I am starting to worry things aren't going as planned since it has been a little over an hour and still no sight of Doc. "Don't worry, it is going to be just fine. You'll see they will want to help since they are doing it on their territory too." Sheila tells me. I was getting ready to respond when the door opens and Doc waves me in. I shudder at the intensity in his eyes and the nerves from being around so many men.

I sit in the empty chair across the table from Doc. I can read lips and all but there is so much commotion and people talking I can't keep up. I decided to focus on Doc and Mayhem mainly. I answer all their questions and tell them everything I know. Then the president of Hell's Angels starts interrogating me. I answer all of his questions too. Once that is done, Doc leads me back out the door.

He still looks pissed that Blaze, according to his patch, interrogated me. Interrogation is all that you could call that, he ask me the same questions multiple ways over and over again trying to trip me up. He seems trustworthy, but a major asshole. I don't like him very much. I also didn't like the way one of his guys was eye fucking me. Doc and Mayhem told him to control the young man. They could tell he was making me uncomfortable. It got so bad that Doc did something called claiming me. That seemed to surprise everyone but it backed that man off. I need to ask the girls what claiming is. When Doc did it I just blushed and smiled. I guess it means he wants me, just as much as I want him.

When I leave the room the girls are gone so I just head to my room and bed. I am tired anyways. When I get there I am glad to see someone fixed the door. Thank God, for small favors, I think, locking the door behind me. I lay down and it doesn't take long for the darkness to take me.

DOC'S SALVATION- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now