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      I wake up for the third day alone in bed and sick. Doc has been busy with the free clinic the MC opened in town. I work there three days a week as a counselor.  I don’t go in until 10 am on the days I work.

   Since Medic is here, I ask him to see me this morning and not to tell Doc. I throw up before I go through the rest of my morning routine.  I head on down to the clinic and talk to Medic. “So tell me what’s going on.” Medic states. I tell him about the throwing up and other systems.  He runs a few tests and confirms my suspicions. We do an ultrasound and confirm I am two months along. Since you are considered pregnant on the first day of your last period, Levi knocked me up the first time we made love. I thank Medic and ask him to keep it quiet until I tell Doc later at lunch. He swears he will and congratulates me.

      I leave with a smile and get ready for work. I leave a little early so I can stop and pick up a present to let Levi know our news. I walk into the clinic and look for him. When I see him I run to him, jump into his arms and give him a kiss. “Lunch today?” I ask. He replies "Yes." My morning rushes by and soon it is time for lunch.

   Levi finds me for lunch and waits for me to be ready to leave. I suggest we pick up something and eat at the park. I grab the present and we head out.

    We eat and talk about our day. Finally, he breaks down and asks about the present.  “It’s for you. Go ahead and open it.” I tell him. The first thing he pulls out is a onesie that says “My Daddy Is A Tattooed Motorcycle Riding Badass Doctor" and the next thing is my pregnancy test with the ultrasound.  “Are you sure?” he asks with a mega smile. I nod, “Confirmed by Medic this morning. I wanted to surprise you.” I reply.  He picks me up kisses me and spins me around. “I love you and I love our baby. We have to close the clinic early and go home to tell everyone now,” he says. I can tell he is happy and excited. I hate to close early but I know he is excited to share this with our family so I nod and agree.

      We get back to the clinic and let Rebecca, the receptionist, know we are closing early.  She nods and tries again to flirt with my man. She runs her hand up his arm, “I hope all is okay. I am more than willing to help you with anything you need, Doc,” she says batting her eyes. I have had enough. I jerk her hand off him, “Bitch, we are going home to tell our family and friends that we are going to be parents. We are together, we have a great and very active sex life. You don’t stand even the slightest chance. Just like a snowball in hell. I am done with your fake, petty bullshit flirting with my fiancé. You're pathetic. You know he is with me. Flirting with taken men is disgusting. So back off and don’t come back tomorrow. You are fired and if you try any more bullshit, they won’t find your body.” I inform her with the help of Doc, he translates for her. “You’re not my boss, bitch"  she screams and tries to slap me. Doc grabs her hand and stops her. “I am your boss. You are fired and I am having you arrested for harassment and trying to attack my pregnant fiancé. Jules, sit with her until the cops get here for her. Tell them we are at the clubhouse if they need to talk to us.” he states deadly calm with hatred in his eyes. Rebecca realizes she fucked up and starts crying.

      We leave and head home. We walk in and you can cut the tension with a knife. Cherry and Khaos are at it again. Maria is playing the victim again, crying while clinging to Khaos. Sheila sends Khaos out of the room with that whiney bitch. I really don’t like or trust her. Khaos seems to be the only one who does. Everyone is looking pissed, shocked, or hurt.

   “We are pregnant!” Doc yells trying to lighten the mood and cut the tension. It seems to work, everyone is congratulating us and hugging us. Everyone is smiling and seems happy for us.

    I see Cherry slinking out of the room still in tears. I have seen her cry more this month than I thought possible for someone to have tears in them. I want to kick Khaos’ ass. He is being a dumbass. “Please knock some sense into Khaos for me, before my pregnant ass attacks him.” I sign to Beast. “I will try little momma.” he signs back.

DOC'S SALVATION- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now