Church And A Plan

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      When Paige goes back to sleep I turn to Ivy, “Can you watch her longer? How are you feeling? I am going to send Jules down to keep her medicated.” Ivy smiles at me, “I will sit here with her until Jules comes. I am good, been having some Braxton Hicks contractions.  Haven’t for a few hours now, though. Are you sure keeping her sleeping through medication is the answer? You know I trust you, but I am just making sure.” “Yes, I am sure. Her spleen was bleeding from where they kicked her. When I checked this morning, it was mostly healed but still could start again if she would moves around too much. An MC did this to her. Once she finds out we are an MC, it is going to upset her. She won’t trust us, we will have to earn it. I want us to be able to do that but it will have to be when she is out of the woods. So I am going to go talk to Mayhem, and everyone else, to update them. We need to figure out how to tell her we are an MC and everything else we learned.” I inform her. “I can understand that. She might trust us women better than you men. I will get the Ol' ladies and a few of the trusted sweetbutts, to help. I will get started on that when Jules gets here. Thanks, Doc, for all you do.” Ivy replies. I nod and head to find Mayhem.

       I walk into the main common area and it is crowded. Ever since we moved to our new clubhouse, pretty much everyone who didn’t own their own house, moved here. Mayhem and Sheila even moved in here. They love it. They love having their family close. Of course, I spot Mayhem and Sheila in the middle of all of the chaos. They are laughing and talking to their sons and Cherry. I walk over, “Mayhem may I talk to you and Sheila?” I ask. “Yeah come on to my office,” he replies. I nod and follow them to his office.

     Once we are inside and the door is closed, “What’s up, Doc?” Mayhem asks. “Paige woke up a bit earlier. She went back to sleep after I gave her more pain meds. Since an MC did this to her, I figure once she finds out we are an MC too, she’ll fear us. We need to come up with a plan to tell her everything and not scare her. I am not sure how we will do that, but if we scare her, she will run and be in danger. I feel drawn to and protective of Paige.” I comment. “Sheila, Ivy thinks Paige will feel more comfortable at first with the Ol' ladies and other women. She is going to approach you with the idea. I would like you to take over the lead of that, Ivy has been having Braxton Hicks contractions, I am afraid too much could send her into labor earlier.” I explain. “I will take over that project carefully, so I don’t upset Ivy. She is probably right about Paige feeling better with women at first.” Sheila replies. “I will call church later, Tech can update us on what else he has learned. Then we can come up with a plan on how to approach the subject with Paige.” Mayhem commands. With that, our mini-meeting was over, and we all went our separate ways to start what we need to do.

    I head back to the clinic to check on everything. I fill Jules in on keeping Paige mostly out of it, for a few more days, to heal more. I check all of Paige’s vitals and ultrasound of her spleen again. Her blood pressure is still a little elevated after the stress earlier. I tell Jules to make sure Paige eats something light and gets her meds after she wakes again. It should be in a couple of hours. I head back to the kitchen to get something to eat. I go sit with Wolf, “Where’s Ivy?” I ask. “She’s taking a nap or working on straightening things around for the babies, again. She yelled at me that I put the bassinets in the wrong spot earlier. Then told me to come down here. I love her like crazy, but sometimes the hormones make me think she is going to kill me. I was going to take her up something to eat after she has time to cool down.” Wolf replies wearily. “She still loves you like crazy too, brother. Pregnancy hormones are something else. I am worried about her though, she was having some false labor yesterday and today. I am wanting you, to make sure, to keep a close eye on her. Maybe it would be better if you didn’t take any runs until the babies come. Neither you nor she will forgive it if you miss the birth.” I tell him getting up and patting his shoulder. He nods and goes to the kitchen. I guess he going to take his pregnant wife some food as a peace offering to her hormones. 

    After a few hours, Mayhem calls church. I notice that Wolf looks less stressed and happy when he enters. I guess the peace offering worked. Once everyone is seated, “We need to discuss a few things today. First, Tech, have you learned anything new?” Mayhem starts with the bang of the gavel. “Well, I have caught Tweaker on a few cameras around town. Seen him with this man, Craig “Needles" White. Needles is his nickname not because of tattoos but because he has track marks constantly. I know that there is a group of about ten, including the sister who have been watching Paige's apartment. They have been taking shifts.” Tech informs us. “Nothing else for now,” he adds. “Okay Doc, what did you need to talk to us about?” Mayhem asks. “From the conversation that we got on video, we know that Paige knows that an MC did this to her. We need to protect her, but she will most likely be scared of us since we are an MC. We will get the woman to help us to make her feel comfortable. Then we will all have to work to show her we are different than they are. We need to find out if they are holding other women and where. Paige can help us with that. I have the feeling she will be the key to breaking this all up.” I say. They all nod in agreement.  “Okay, so it sounds like we have a plan. All in agreement say, aye.” Mayhem says. “Ayes” all around was the response.  “Church dismissed," Mayhem says banging the gavel.

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