The Worthless Bastards Are No More

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     I wake up wrapped in Doc’s arms after a blissfully satisfying sleep. Last night was rough for both of us. He fixed up all the women who were injured. Medic had to go to Khaos' room to treat one because she claimed she was afraid to be away from him or to be near others. She wouldn’t even talk to one of us that wanted to help her.

    The stories some of those women told were horrific. I know with help they will get through it. We got them numbers to local counselors or we contacted their family members for them to be able to go home. Most will be leaving today and all but three within the rest of the week. Gloria, the twelve-year-old, we are waiting to see what she wants to do. Her mom died and her dad sold her to them. A few of the older members want to take her in. We are giving her a choice in what she wants.

   When we got to his room in the wee hours of the morning, he made love to me to help us both forget the horrors we had seen and heard about.

     I decide to wake up Levi in a way that the others say their men enjoy. I slide under the covers and take him in my mouth. After a few minutes, he is fully hard and rocking into my mouth. The covers are removed from my head and I look up to meet his eyes. “Yeah babe, that feels amazing. Don’t stop,” he tells me. After a few more minutes of me sucking and deep-throating him, he shoots his load down my throat. He returns the favor and then does it again when we shower together.

    We head downstairs for breakfast, thirty minutes before he is scheduled to go to church. I know the guys have been torturing and taking care of the men since this morning. In church, they will decide whether there are more places or people to go after. I read some of the member's lips and some of the women’s last night. Beast and Tank seemed the most excited to take care of the Worthless Bastards, this morning.

     We are most of the way through breakfast when I notice Tank and Beast entering together. They look happy and laughing. I guess their work went adequately,  this morning. Beast stops by, “You are safe and never have to worry about that MC again. Just make our brother, Doc, here happy. I am glad to see that you two make each other smile. Welcome to the family. ” he signs to me. “Thank you" I sign back.

    Cherry and Khaos come in together, even if I can't hear, I can tell they are arguing. She yells “Fuck you" flipping him off as he goes to church with the others. The girls and I try to calm Cherry down while they are in church. We want to know what is wrong and help her. All she keeps repeating is I can’t believe he thinks I am jealous and won’t believe me about her.

      The door from church opens about thirty minutes later and Cherry jumps up. She storms out in tears. Sheila has some words with Khaos and I can’t see what she is saying but he replies with she is just a jealous bitch. Sheila slaps him and I can see her dissatisfaction with him. He storms off right after. Doc joins me and tells me all the other clubs are leaving since it is over.

      They didn’t get Alejandro but he disappeared on a private plane. We will be watching for his return. The other clubs are willing to come back to help with him if needed.

    Medic and his ol’ lady Leena are sticking around to spend time with Ivy and the new twins. Medic will be leaving next week and Leena is staying for a month. Medic will be back then to get her. I am just glad it is over.  The Worthless Bastards are no more. Alejandro if he survived will have to find another MC to help him.

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