Tank's Surprise

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   After I adjourn the meeting, I have Doc stay behind. I wave Sheila over and have her show the others to their rooms, that she and the girls made up for them. As they leave, I signal for Khaos to watch the one who was eyeing Paige during the meeting. Once they are all gone, I close the door turning to Doc, "Were you serious with your claim, or was it to make that young buck to back off?" I ask. "I am serious with the claim if she will have me. I will have to explain it all to her. What it means and all of that but I am falling for her. I just hope she'll have me." Doc replies. I just shake my head laughing. "Only you, Doc, only you. You are the only man I know who would claim a woman without her knowing what it means or if the woman feels the same way. I just wanted to make sure this wasn't like a Daisy situation. I know that after you all slept together, you thought it was love and would have claimed her, eventually, if she wasn't so hung up on me." I inform him. "Daisy and I never fucked. I did think I loved her, but now I see that was just more of her manipulation. I was her puppet on a string, waiting to see if she got tired of waiting for you." Doc replies. "You seriously never fucked Daisy? Hell, everyone thinks you two did. She even told people you did." I inform him shaking my head. "I really never did. She wanted to but I didn't want to. I wanted to wait until I knew her better and she had secrets. I could tell, so I didn't trust her. She was a friend though or so I thought, but she was just hunting to become an ol' lady." he replies. I nod and let him go about the rest of his evening.

   I head to my office to call Tank, since Blaze, surprisingly, agreed to call them for help. I sit down at my desk and call Tank's cell. He picks up on the third ring. "Hello, Mayhem. Did that asshole Blaze agree to let us help?" Tank asks. "Surprisingly, yes he did. So I was calling to see if you guys could still help and when to expect you." I state. "Of course, we will still help. I and eight others can be there in twenty minutes if you want us to be," he says laughing. " Twenty minutes?" I question confused. "Yes. We were planning to help, whether Blaze agreed or not. Just makes it less awkward since he did. We are about ten minutes away from the diner. We got here about an hour ago. So twenty minutes work for y'all?" Tank laughs again. "Yeah, twenty minutes will work. I am glad y'all will be here to help. I am glad you would have with or without Blaze agreeing. See you soon, brother." I reply and hang up.

     I call Sheila down to the office to have her and the girls get more rooms ready. I also have her send in Khaos, Blaze, and his VP, on her way out. I let them know the Florida chapter is on its way and will be here in fifteen minutes. We agree to have church in the morning to make plans of attack.

DOC'S SALVATION- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now