Leaving The Clinic and Welcomed Surprises

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     When the guys come out of church, they fill us in on the plan. So, we women get together and start teaching all that is going to help some sign language.  For the first three days after church, Doc keeps Paige mostly out of it. On the fourth day, Sheila and I explain to her that she is in the Son of Silence MC clinic. At first, she panicked badly. Jules had to come in and give her a shot to calm her. Once, she was calm we were able to explain to her that our MC was different. That most of the guys have Ol' ladies or wives. That we don’t kidnap and sell girls or rape them. We had Cherry come talk to her about the sweetbutts and told her she could talk to any of them. She did talk to all of them. It took a few days to get her to calm down and start to warm up some. She is still skittish near the men but Doc, Mayhem, Bear, and Wolf. Khaos scares her some still.

      Today, Paige is excited, it has been a week since she woke up and she wants to go home. The guys and Fuzz's friends from the force are coming to talk to her. They are going to explain everything to her and why she can’t go home. Sheila and I got her a room ready last night. We put her right next to Doc. I hear the guys coming.  She knows that they were coming sometime before she leaves. “I hear the guys coming. Do you want me to stay?” I ask her. She nods. In walks Mayhem, Doc, Tech, Officer Holmes, Officer Walker, and Sheila. 

    After everyone was in the room and seated, Doc stood and started, “Hello Paige, How are you feeling today?” “I am good, still a little sore but excited to go home,” she replies. “That’s one of the things we need to talk to you about. I will release you from the clinic today, but you can’t go home. It’s not safe. They are watching your apartment. Tech can show you the videos, and the cops here can tell you how the Worthless Bastards have cops on their payroll. Mayhem can tell you how we need your help, we want to break their sex trafficking ring. Sheila and Ivy can tell you how staying here, the club can keep you safe.” he explains to her. She has tears rolling down her cheeks but asks Tech to see the videos. He turns on a close caption for her. Paige watches the videos. The whole time I held her hand as she cries watching. After the videos and she calms down, she asks, “Why can’t the cops watch me, keeping me safe?” Officer Holmes stands and walks over to her. “Hello, can you read lips?” he asks. She nods. “Okay, I am Officer Holmes and that is my partner Officer Walker. We could try to watch you and keep you safe at home, but honestly, we know they have three cops on their payroll.  Maybe more cops. You would, truly, never be fully safe there. Since your job thinks you quit, Candace sent an email stating that from your email. We all feel it would be safest for you to stay here.” Holmes informs her. “I know these men. I go way back with most of them. We have never had any complaints about them abusing women, they wouldn’t hurt you, ever. I would trust them with my mother, wife, or sister. I promise you Paige, they will protect you better than we can.” Paige seems to be thinking about what he just said. After a few minutes, I tell her my story, since, she hadn’t replied and looked shocked. After hearing my story and how the club kept me safe, she nods. “I will stay here. I will tell you everything thing I saw and read that night. I have four addresses of warehouses, where I think, they keep women. I saw papers on the desk of the warehouse where they had me. They had blueprints of them there too. I might be able to try to draw them. Please don’t make me regret trusting you. The last person I did trust, betrayed me big time.  Save those women as you did me.” she signs.  Paige tells them the addresses, road names of any of the guys she remembers, and everything else she thought could help. I can tell Mayhem is pissed. Three of the warehouse are in our territory and the fourth is in the local Hell’s Angels territory.  I know that means that we will have to involve them. 

      I hope they are done soon here, I need to talk to Doc. I am 35 weeks and 6 days today, but I have been having back pain and some contractions. I go to stand up and scream out in pain. Paige grabs my hand and I squeeze hers. “I think I just peed myself" I cry. “Shit, your water broke. Everyone out, unless Ivy wants to stay, and someone grabs Wolf.” Doc hollers. Mayhem and Doc help me into the other room, while I pull Paige along with me. Mayhem leaves to go get Wolf, while Doc leaves to go get ready with scrubs and such. Mom and Paige help me undress and get into the hospital gown. They then help me to bed. I never let go of Paige’s hand, for some reason makes me feel better. Doc, Jules, and Wolf rush in. I told Doc I want both of them to stay along with Wolf. After hours of labor and pushing, we have our identical twin boys. We named them, Aiden Liam O’Connor and Caiden Harley O’Connor. They weighed in at 5lbs 7ozs, 23 inches long for Aiden who is oldest by two minutes. Then 5lbs 9ozs, 23 inches long for Caiden. Wolf is ecstatic. I thank Paige for holding my hand and helping me feel better through it all. She smiled and thanked me for letting her be a part of it.
Dad and Mom cried because we gave one of the twins his name as his middle name.

    Sheila leaves to show Paige her room. Dad says his goodbyes and Doc does too. I feed the boys and Wolf lays them in their bassinets. Then climbs into bed with me. “You did great, my angel. I love you. Get some rest and I am going to lay right here with you.” he says kissing my forehead. “I love you, too. Better nap with me. It will be awhile from what I read before they will sleep through the night.” I tell him yawning.

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