Time Needed

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      Mayhem filled us in on what the ladies found out from Candace, during church. We can’t do much until we meet with the Angels later but it sounds like we will need more help. I suggested we call the Florida chapter of Hell’s Angels to see if they will help again. Since Ivy and the others are targets and they see her as family, we need to let them know anyway. Mayhem agrees but needs to see what Blaze says. Blaze is the local Hell’s Angels president and an asshole. He doesn’t always get along with the other chapters. Let’s hope this is one time he'll agree.

     Since they will be here soon, I decide to go check on Paige. When I get outside her door, I hear her screaming. I don’t think, I just react and break her door down. I rush in and find her asleep in the grips of a nightmare. I gently shake her shoulders and wake her up. She jerks up with tears in her eyes and leaps into my arms. I sit on her bed just holding her and rubbing her back. After a few minutes, her tears and sobs slow down. She pulls away from my chest and turns to look at me. I use my thumbs to wipe some of the tears from her face.

    Paige just stares at me and then starts studying my face and eyes. All at once she leans forward and kisses me. I am so shocked that this gorgeous woman I don’t react at first. Then I start kissing her back. She moans into the kiss, wraps her arms around my neck pulling me closer, and deepening the kiss. I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer while our tongues explore each other's mouths. Sighing I pull away to catch my breath and rest my forehead against hers. “Are you okay?” I sign to her. She nods and blushes. “I would say I am sorry for kissing you, but I am not. I have wanted to do that for a while now. Thank you for waking me from my nightmare.” Paige replies with a smirk. I smile and blush at her comment. “Anytime you want to kiss me, I won’t object. I have been thinking about kissing you too. I just didn’t want to scare or rush you.  Do you want to talk about your nightmare?” I ask. “Candace got me back for them. They raped me and killed everyone here. They killed you in front of me. It scared me so bad.” she replies as tears start up again. “You never have to worry about Candace again. Ivy and Jules made sure of that. She will never be able to help her brother get you again or hurt you again.  The women of this club care about you. I care about you, I promise they will not get you again.” I inform her. “I like you and the girls too. I know what it means, that I don’t have to worry about Candace anymore. They killed her. I am not new to learning about biker gangs or clubs. I also know it is probably for the best. I will still come to the meeting later with the other club but I need some time to figure out how I feel about it. I know she was killed because of me or for me. I will see you later.” Paige says kissing my cheek with sad eyes. I figured she would be upset about her friend dying. Rather she was a good one or not, she was at one time important to Paige. I could have not told her or could have lied, but she is too important to me for that. I hope she forgives the ladies and me for all of this. I know I am falling for her and falling hard.

     Leaving her room, I go let the ladies know that Paige knows and wants time to figure out her feelings about it. Ivy pats my shoulder and tells me Paige will come around. I am sitting by myself drinking some beer to quiet my worries, when Beast plops down across from me. He has been excited, almost giddy, with the knowledge of getting to kick some ass soon. I think he lives for ass-kicking. Beast watches me for a few minutes in silence then asks, “Who pissed in your cheerios, Doc? You are a great guy and brother, so I will gladly shove their head up their own ass for ya.” I laugh, “No one pissed in my Cheerios. I am falling for Paige and I told her that Candace wasn’t going to be a problem for her anymore.  She knew what that meant. She said she needs time to figure out how she feels about it. I don’t think I can lose her. Fuck! How am I supposed to handle this?” I say running my fingers threw my hair for the hundredth time...  Beast smirks, “You sly old fox, went and got yourself a beautiful young lady for yourself, huh? I am so happy for ya. Things will work out, I have seen the way she looks at you when she thinks no one is watching. She likes you too. She said Candace was her only friend, so I am sure the shock of being betrayed by her and then her death is a lot to handle at once. Give her time. Let the shock wear off,” Beast stands and pats my shoulder as he walks away.

     I hear the sound of approaching bikes. Here comes the cavalry or the damnation of our club and theirs. It all depends on how helpful the Hell’s Angels or should I say Blaze is willing to be. I send up a silent pray he will see the benefit of working together and the Florida chapter's help will be.

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