Finding Information

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     The next five days go by the same way, I make sure she gets what she needs from her IV. I switch watching her with Jules and Ivy, so I can take my classes and do my duties for the club.  Ivy, Jules, and I all learn and practice sign language with each other.
       On the first day, we had church to discuss what I saw that night. We vote to put cameras up at her apartment, inside and out. We want to see if anyone, especially, a club comes there looking for her. I use my connections at local hospitals and clinics, to have them let us know if someone looks for her. Fuzz used his connections to have them let us know if she gets reported missing.  We found out through his connections, there is a new MC in the area. They are investigating three cops, thinking they are on the MC payroll. They told us they are called Worthless Bastards MC. The leader is Donald “Tweaker” Swain. Internal affairs and others haven’t found out more about them. They think they only have a small number of members. No one has reported her missing. Her job posted her position, when Doc asked about her there, he was told she sent an email quitting and was going home.
    On the second day, the cameras and audio caught a woman in her apartment. She used keys to come in and look around. We would have thought she was a friend but after looking around she made a call.

   The call was strange at first. She called the person Donnie, then when it got heated she called him Tweaker. Her part of the call we could hear was: “Donnie she’s not here and hasn’t been here.” After a pause, “Yes, I am sure. Her clothes are still here and the ones where she changed before we came are still on the bed.” After a longer pause, you could tell she was getting pissed, “Tweaker, don’t fucking yell at me. I will find her. I sent the damn email so they think she quit. No one will report her missing.  Talk to your friends on the force, and let them know if she comes in to report, it won’t go anywhere. I will find her and you will have her back. Yes, I know how much you were going to get for that damn deaf-mute virgin. You know I won’t let you down.” She then hangs up and trashes the place. Throwing shit and tearing up clothes. Major fucking fit. Then she leaves. We took stills of her and started Tech searching for her.  
    On the third day, Tech had some info on her but he wasn’t willing to share it yet. Said he had more to find. More files to break open. On the fourth day, Mayhem called church. “Tech found the information on the woman from Doc’s patient's apartment. I will let Tech tell you what he found out,” he said. “Her name is Candace Johnson. She is Donald “Tweaker" Swain's half-sister. The same mother different fathers. When Donald was 17 and dear Candace was 15, their mother caught them having sex. After Candace's father beat the shit out of Donald, Mommy dearest sent him to his dad. Candace told the cops it was consensual. No charges were filed since Donald was out of the house by the time the cops got involved. Candace was made to go to therapy and was hospitalized after trying to kill herself. Donald traded in sex with his sister for drugs, earning the nickname Tweaker. When she turned 18 she hunted her brother down and moved to be with him. My guess is they picked back up where they left off. She has been reported to be friends with and maybe last seen with three missing women. She works as a translator for the free clinic, where Paige worked. I am pretty sure, she is helping her brother run his sex trafficking ring. I think she is using her job to find victims.” Tech informs us. “Now, I am working on digging up properties in his name, her name, or any variation of their names, and any shell corporations for them. It could take a while. I will let everyone know when I know. That’s all I have for now.” he finished. We talked about some strategies. Nothing permanent, can’t do that until we know all the information. 
   Today is the fifth day. I am starting to wean her off the meds to keep her under. It could still take days for her to wake. I will have her completely off the medication, by the end of the day. I am hoping that the head injuries didn’t cause permanent damage. Only time will tell. I will have to wait for her to wake up. The girls and I take turns sitting here holding her hand, to let her know she’s not alone. I talk too, even though I know she can't hear me. Makes me feel better anyways. All I can do is try to heal her and hope for the best. I will protect her after she is healed. I will make sure they don’t get their hands on her, again. I may not know her but I want to. Something about her draws me in. It has since that night I found her and saw her eyes.

DOC'S SALVATION- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now