One Down, More To Go

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    It's been a couple of hours since we left Paige, to let her get some rest. I am worried about her. That damn woman, stirs so many confusing emotions in me, that I am not sure which way is up anymore. I want to protect her from everyone and everything. It may have to include me too, because every time our eyes meet I picture her naked and moaning under me. I am not like the other brothers here, the only lover in my life has been my hand and porn. I am not used to these feelings.

     I am snapped out of my thoughts by a hand waving in my face. "Are you okay, Doc?" Jules asks while still waving her hand in my face. "Sorry, yes, I am fine. Lost in thought." I reply. "Anything to do with a certain blonde-haired beauty?" she teases. I groan and nod in response. "I am not like the brothers of the club. I will listen, not judge or tease you, so I am here if you want to talk about it." Jules says. I nod and start, "I know that none of the brothers or anyone knows, but I am still a virgin. I am having so many confusing conflicting thoughts and feelings for Paige. I want to protect her from everyone and everything. I also picture her moaning and naked under me. I want her to be safe and happy back in her normal life, but the thought of her leaving makes my chest ache. The few smiles she has let me see, make me feel like I am seeing heaven and I selfishly want them all for myself. I want her all for myself. I am no better than the men who took her." I conclude with my head in my hands. "First off, you are nothing like them. You are falling in love with her and unless I am mistaking the looks she gives you, I'd say she feels something for you too. Secondly, it is great that you are not a whore hound like most of the rest. She will appreciate that you saved yourself like she did. It just makes what you are feeling for the first time, confusing for you. There is nothing wrong with sexual fantasies about the woman you are falling for. You would never pressure her. You are so much better than those men who took her. Sometime soon you and her need to talk. That's how you handle this." she tells me. I nod and smile, "Thank you, for listening. You are a great woman. Rusty is a lucky man. I am glad he found you."

   I was going to say more but am interrupted by Khaos coming in with an unconscious woman. "What happened and who is this?" I ask. "It's that bitch who helped kidnap Paige, Candace. I was checking out Paige's apartment when the alarm went off again. I was near there. She saw me and got scared, she ran and fell down the stairs. I want her patched up and then thrown in a cell. I want answers so we can't let her get ahold of her brother or lover, whatever you want to call him. No one followed us or saw me. I made sure of that. I took care of the two that were with her." he states calmly. Jules and I get to work on her, quickly. Taking x-rays and checking for brain damage.

   She starts to come around and we quickly strap her to the bed. When she comes around, she blinks a few times, and then her eyes become focused on Khaos. "I will kill you, you fucking bastard. If I can't, I promise Danny will, for hurting and taking me. He loves me. Do you know what it's like to be loved? I bet not. Dumb fucking asshole. Why did you bring me here?." Candace screams and yanks on her restraint. "You know why you're here. You're smart enough to figure that out. I do know what love is, even if I don't have to fuck a sibling to do so." Khaos smirks back. Candace's face falls for a second then she gets an evil glint in her eyes. "You're the ones helping that bitch, Paige. Good to know. Danny and Alejandro had already planned to take down your little club of idiots. Thinking you are big and mighty when you are all small and all nobodies. Making Alejandro have to run from the cartel before he could take them over from the inside, was a mistake. Did you really think he would forget and forgive that? Can't wait to see you all dead," she screeches. "Looks like she's in good enough shape for the cells to me, Doc. Wouldn't you say? Sheila and Ivy can have fun getting more info from her before she dies or begs for death." Khaos says smiling. "Yes, I agree," I reply. Her face falls again. She tries to look confused, holding her head, and asks, "My head hurts. Where am I? Who are you, people? Why am I tied up? Someone, help me." "Faking amnesia, now? After you just ran your mouth? You are stupider than you look and your background suggested." Jules smirks and slaps Candace across the face. "Hell, I might even join in on your interrogation. I know where all to hit or cut for max pain, and where not to." Jules continues. "No, no, no!" Candace screams as Khaos takes her out of the room. He comes back ten minutes later, "Let's go inform Dad, of what she said. She is secure in her cell. Will have the interrogation start as soon as Dad allows." Khaos says.

    "Dad's in his office, meet me there in five minutes," Khaos informs us. I nod and so does Jules. "Can't believe she is that dumb. She thought we would think she has amnesia after running her mouth. Damn." Jules says laughing. I just laugh and shake my head, " Yes, that was fucking stupid." I reply. We both just smile and laugh heading to Mayhem's office.

   Once we get there, I knock on the door. "Come in" Mayhem answers. I open the door. Mayhem, Sheila, Khaos, Ivy, Wolf, and Tech are all in there. Jules and I find a seat. Khaos, Jules, and I inform them of what Candace said. "I don't remember who Alejandro is though," I say. "I do." Mayhem replies, "Gonzalez family enforcer. Former enforcer. Mexican cartel. Killed some of the family and helped get some of their shipments hijacked. They tried to blame us, at first. This is all before we went mostly legitimate about seven years ago. They tried to blame the lost shipments on us until we helped them find the truth. Hell, the blame for the killings would have fallen on us too, if the truth hadn't come out. He killed ten more people making his escape. Disappeared off the face of the earth it had seemed." Mayhem continued. "Damn" is all Wolf responds with. "Yeah, damn. Sheila and Ivy, if you feel up to it, get all you can from her." Mayhem orders. "Sir, if you don't mind, I would like to help," Jules says. "Are you sure? You do realize she is not going to come out of there alive? Would Rusty be okay with this too?" Mayhem questions. "I know and I will explain to Rusty, the same as with you, Paige is a friend and sweet woman. She deserves justice. She didn't deserve to be betrayed by that bitch downstairs. I can make sure she survives long enough to get all the information from her. I know how to make her suffer the most pain and not die because of my nurse training." she replies. Just then there is a knock on the door. I open it to Rusty. He joins us. Someone must have told him to join us. Jules desires to help and the reason is explained to him. He reluctantly agrees, to let her help. We all go our separate ways until we call church after the women get all the info from her.

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