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   Candace, my interpreter, was the closest I had come to making a friend since I left my community. She made me think she cared. She told me that hearing people aren’t all bad like my old community leaders said. She lied. She leads me into a trap.
   I am a counselor for at-risk teens,  young adults, and abandoned kids. I am also deaf and use an interpreter to help communicate. Candace is my interpreter. She has been inviting me to go to her brother’s club and talk to the whores there. Her brother is the president of a newer motorcycle club. They started in the last couple of years. They are called the Worthless Bastards. She claimed she wanted to help them. She lied.
     After weeks of begging me to go to the Worthless Bastards clubhouse and talk to the whores, I agreed. Candace and I agreed to meet up at 6, at my apartment. She is going to drive us there. I didn’t want to go in my office clothes. She said she would keep me safe. She lied.
    When we got here two hours ago, there were all kinds of sexual acts, drugs, and drinking going on. A few members hit on me, she ran them off. We got to talking to a few girls, one had cried, telling me her first time was rape. She asked me if it hurts less when willingly, I answered honestly, of I don’t know. I am a virgin. Candace went to get me some water and the girl a drink too. After a few drinks of my water, I started to feel off. Got dizzy, my hands not wanting to work, I tried to stand up. I fell. One of the guys grabbed me saying how he was going to have fun. Candace said not to do that, I am a virgin and will get top dollar. Then my world became dark.
    I keep coming in and out of consciousness. I have seen bits and pieces of some paper laying near me. Something about taking me to Vegas. Then it went dark again. I wake again, the most I have since the start, I am in a warehouse office on a couch. I look out the window. I see a man feeding women and girls in cages. Fuck, what the hell? A fucking sex trafficking ring. The motorcycle club is running a fucking sex trafficking ring. Fucking Candace is helping them. All my missing patients, I bet that was her and her brother. I got to look for anything to help and watch for the assholes to come back. Remember the Worthless Bastards MC.
   I start to look around at the papers on the desk. I keep glancing to make sure no one sees me. I see three warehouse addresses and plans. I start chanting the address in my head. I see movement and get back on the couch,  pretending to still be out. I feel a pinch. They shot me up with something. I keep fighting the darkness. I get lifted and carried. I peek at the building we left. I make note of its address since it’s different. Now I am chanting four addresses in my head. I am shoved in the backseat of a car. I almost go out again. I fight it more. Need to escape. Wait just a little longer. I wait till the streetlights are fewer. NOW! I quickly sit up and open my door jumping out. They slam on the brakes, I see the lights as I roll. I try to get up and run. I fall. They grab me. I kick, bite, head butt, and claw. I fall, and they punch and kick me. I kick one in the balls. The other points at something, and they try to grab me again. I kick them again. He bangs my head off the road and runs. I see the car leave throwing gravel at me. I see a light behind me. Then I see a shadow, and when the shadow comes into focus, it is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. I see his mouth moving  I succumb to the darkness.

DOC'S SALVATION- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now