You'll Spill Your Guts One Way Or Another

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After getting Mayhem to agree that I could help, I go hunt down Rusty to let him know I appreciate his support and he understands my reasons. He didn't seem too keen on me helping but agreed. "Babe," I say walking up to him. "I am going to help Paige heal some by helping hurt that bitch in the basement. We are going to get information from that bitch down there." I inform him. Rusty gives me a look of concern, "Are you sure you are okay with that? Are you sure you can handle it? " he asks. "Babe, this is something I want and feel like I have to do. I can handle it. I am more than okay with making that bitch suffer for what she did to Paige." I state. "Sweetheart, I support your decision. I love you so much. You are my only concern in it. I just want to make sure you will be okay with seeing and helping with torturing and killing someone. I don't want you to be haunted by it." Rusty replies and kisses my forehead. "She and her whole gang of assholes deserve what is coming to them. I won't be haunted by it. I would be haunted by wondering if we got all the information from her if I am not there to help." I insist. "Okay." he nods.

After leaving Rusty, I meet the others in the cell. Candace is tied up and screaming at us to let her go. How Alejandro and the others will enjoy us women before killing or selling us. I smirk and wave at her, she starts crying and shuts up. "Who goes first?" Ivy asks. " I will." I volunteer. I walk up to her slowly smirking, "Remember what I told you, bitch? I know how to maximize your pain and not let you die. So you have two options, the hard way with lots of pain or the easy way and not a lot of pain." I state calmly as I pick up the plyers from the table. "So hard way or easy way? Please say hard, because not only do I want to have fun but so do these other two ladies." I say twirling the plyers around. "Fuck you cunt." Candace yells, trying to act tuff. "Good, the hard way," I say laughing. Ivy and Sheila laugh too. You can see the fear flash in her eyes before she tries to cover it.

I walk up to her and strap her hands where she can't protect them. I start pulling nails and asking questions. "What is the plan to take us down?" I demand. She manages to remain quiet with the information until the third nail came off and Ivy pour salt on the now-exposed nerves. "The plan is after we get Paige back. Alejandro wants her for himself and refuses to help until he gets her. Then send some of our club whores here to join you. Have them see if they can turn any members and befriend ol' ladies. Have them get the ol' ladies and bring them to us. Once we have them then lure the rest of the club into a trap. Killing everyone we can." she relents. "How many members does your brother have?" I ask. "Wouldn't you like to know? You'll find out when they take turns raping you." she sneers. I yank two more nails off and she barely reacts. "Seems like she is getting numb to this, so hand me that big knife, Sheila," I comment. Sheila hands me the knife and Candace glares at me. "What are you going to do with that? You won't kill me. You're just a stupid cunt." she screeches. "That's for me to know and you to find out. Last chance to tell me what I want to know before your find out." I assert. "Fuck you slut" she screams. I walk behind her and yank her hair pulling her head back. "I am many things but not a slut like you sweetie," I reply calmly and then scalp the bitch. She screams and passes out as the blood pours down her face. While she is out I pour powdered quikclot on her head. Don't want her to lose too much blood. I wake her with smelling salts. "Only got the top of your head with that one. Still have the sides and back to go. So let's try this again. How many members does your brother have?" I demand. "Twenty. He has twenty and with Alejandro's forty more that make us have sixty." Candace cries. "Where are the kidnapped girls and how many are there?" Sheila asks. "Most are in the five warehouses we have. There are about ten that the guys keep in the basement at the clubhouse for fun," she states like she is dead. "Where are the warehouse and how many guarding them?" Ivy asks. Candace rattles off addresses and says only a couple at each watching them. They have cameras and alarm systems so no need to have more guards. "Okay. Last questions. Where is your clubhouse? Where are Danny and Alejandro?" I ask. She just cries and shakes her head no. "Unless you want to see what your insides look like I advise you to answer. I will cut a small hole and start pulling your intestines out_ if you don't talk," I tell her. "Fuck you. You crazy bitch." she spits at me. I walk up to her and she manages to bite me. I punch her breaking her nose and jerk out most of her front teeth. "Now for it's time for you to see your insides," I state making a small cut and reaching in to grab her intestines. She starts to scream as I slowly pull some out little by little. "Stop I will tell you," Candace screams. She gives us the addresses of the clubhouse, her brother, and Alejandro. Sheila walks up and thanks her before gutting her the rest of the way and handing Ivy the knife. Ivy then slices Candace's throat. "I will send someone down to clean this up. You did great." Sheila says patting my shoulder. We leave to clean up and let Mayhem know what we found out.

After cleaning up I found Rusty again. I run up and hug him. "I am glad I helped but I needed your touch to feel normal again," I tell him. "I am always here for you, sweetheart," he states kissing my head. I don't regret helping but didn't enjoy it. He helps comfort me until Mayhem calls Church. I know he has to join them. I tell him I am okay now and to go. He kisses me and then joins the others in church.

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