Getting Allies For The Fight

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     That sly old fox Doc has done went and fell for that pretty young lady he brought in. It was fun to tease him and make him squirm. It’s about time too. I know most think he was fucking Daisy since everyone thought he was so close to her. Since I had the room right next to him at our old home, I know they didn’t do more than talk. More like she manipulated him, to keep him on the hook, in case she ever gave up on having Prez. So glad that bitch is dead and gone.

     Time to get to this meeting since the Angels have arrived. Mayhem starts off the meeting, telling Blaze and the others what we know and what Paige told us. Tech pulls up the proof of what we told them since he doesn’t seem to believe, that anyone could operate on his territory and he not know about it. That asshole really pisses me off, I would love to knock him down off his high horse. I won’t because I know it would cause a war. One we don’t need. All he and his men have done for the last hour is bitch, moan, groan, and argue. The one next to me is younger and a new enforcer. I am pretty sure I could take out the pretty boy just by saying boo in the dark. He has that I am a lover, not a fighter attitude going on. In other words, he’s a bitch.

     Finally, they have Doc wave Paige in. We told them multiple times she is deaf but can read lips. The dumbass all try talking at once at her. I can tell it is confusing her so she focuses on Doc and Prez mainly. She tells her story and what she saw that night. Then Blaze starts interrogating her, trying to trip her up. She doesn’t waiver with her story or answers. The little bitch next to me is eye fucking her and making her uncomfortable. You can tell by her looks and squirming. Prez and Doc both tell him to knock it off, they tell Blaze to control the little bitch. I am about three seconds from bitch slapping him into next week. Doc stops me by claiming Paige. I am shocked, shouldn't be but am. Hell, the way everyone freezes and quiets, I think we all are.

    I glance at Paige, she is smiling and blushing at Doc. She must feel all eyes on her and she ducks her head hiding her blush behind her hair. Doc ushers her from the room and Blaze finally agrees to help. Surprisingly, he even agrees to call the Florida chapter of the Angels to help too. I can’t wait to get my hands on those pussies who hurt Paige. That whole MC will beg for mercy before we are done. I love kicking ass. A great fight is a good stress reliever.

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