Confessions And Expressions

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    After leaving Mayhem, I head to my room to try to figure out how to explain to Paige what it means, now that I have claimed her. I don’t regret doing it, I really do like her and want her to be mine. I can’t stop thinking about that kiss. I need to make sure that I am doing right by her and me. I picture my future without her and it tears my heart out. I start picturing my future with her and I know it is the right future. I need to make sure she sees that too.

    I decide to go talk to her and explain things to her. Help her to see I will be a great man for her. I know I am falling for her so I hope she feels the same way.

    After leaving my room to head to Paige’s room, I run into Sheila. Her arms were full of sheets to make up more rooms. “I guess Tank and the guys are coming to help. When will they be here?” I ask.  “About fifteen minutes from now,” she replies with a smile. I give her a questioning look. “They were already in town. They planned to help rather Blaze agreed or not.” Sheila laughs. “I knew I liked and respected those guys for a reason,” I reply laughing. Sheila just laughs and nods. “See you later. I will let you get back to getting things ready.” I tell her with a wave goodbye. I continue on my way to convince Paige to give us a chance.

     I get to Paige’s door and ring the bell. I am glad to see they had her door fixed after I kicked it in earlier. Paige answers after the second ring. Her hair looks like she just rolled out of bed, but still sexy as hell. My eyes roam her body from head to toe. Taking in all of her curves which are on display in the small sleeping shorts and camisole she is wearing. It looks like silk and is a soft pink color. The sight makes my dick harden to almost the painful point. I notice her checking me out like I did her and she blushes. I get lost in her eyes and all the dirty thoughts she is creating in my mind. She pulls me out of them by tapping my shoulder and waving her hand in my face. I blush and smile at her.

      Paige smiles and invites me in to sit down with her. “I am sorry if I woke you, Paige. I wanted to talk to you about something important and didn’t want to wait until the morning.  With the upcoming events to deal with, the clubs selling women, I need to tell you, because tomorrows are never promised.” I start. “There are things that I want to tell you too. You are right tomorrow is never promised, and I know I will regret not saying what I want to say if something would happen to one of us. So who goes first?” Paige asks. “Well, my momma raised me right. She always taught me how to treat women, and one of those things she taught me is ladies first, always. So, my lady, you have my attention and the floor.” I reply with a smile and a slight bow. She blushes and nods, “Thank you, kind sir. Chivalry is not dead after all. Did you mean it when you claimed me?” she asks. “Do you know what claiming means?” I ask in reply. “If I understand it right, it means I am your woman and no other man can touch me. That you will protect me and so will your brothers in the club.” Paige responds. I nod, “Yes, it means all of that and much more. It makes you my ol’ lady. It is the same as being my wife in the club's and other clubs' eyes. You will be treated with respect and everything else that you said. It means that you and I will be together through all of this and even after. Is that something that you would be interested in?” I ask. I can tell she is thinking and taking in all that I said. After a few minutes she responds with, “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I met you. It has only gotten worse since I kissed you. Now I dream about things we could do together and I want to do together. I am falling for you and I know it scares and excites me. So if you meant it when you claimed me, then I would very much want that, but only if you mean it.” I lean in and kiss her luscious lips, showing her just how much I meant it.

    When I lick the seam of her lips to gain access she moans and grips her hands into my hair pulling slightly. I deepen the kiss tasting her sweet honey, apple pie, and cinnamon taste. Our tongues battle for dominance. She sucks slightly on my tongue then nips my bottom lip. I moan and have to pull back before I lose all control. I rest our foreheads together. “I hope that shows you just how much I meant the claim. You said you are falling for me and I am falling for you too. Hell, I have fallen for you. It may be too soon but I have fallen for you.  Sometimes, I don’t think time matters in the matters of the heart. I love you and I meant it. I want you to be mine until the end of time or you want me gone.” I reply while she stares into my eye so she can see how sincere I am. “Then I very much want that too. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I feel that means I love you too. I know, I feel like it is too soon but you are right, time matters not in the matters of the heart.” she replies kissing me again.

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