Waking Up

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I feel like I am floating in the darkness. I just have recently, started to feel someone is holding my hand. I tried to squeeze their hand but my body won't move. I keep trying to find my way back into the light. I can feel my grip on consciousness slipping. The darkness soon overtakes me again. I come back to reality again sometime later. I can see some light in the darkness that surrounds me. I try to move again but still feel weighted down. I think managed to move my fingers though. I feel someone squeeze my hand afterward. I try again to open my eyes as the darkness fully engulfs me again.

I don't know how long later, I come to again. I feel lighter but have some pain. I must have made some kind of noise because someone is instantly squeezing my hand again. I try to open my eyes but am blinded by the brightness. I must have made a noise again, the hand leaves mine and returns a few seconds later. They take my hand a let me feel them write on my palm, you can try now the lights are down. I take a breath to prepare myself and open my eyes. I blink a few times to get everything in focus. I am in a room I don't recognize, but looks similar to a hospital room. I see I woman I don't recognize, she is still holding my hand. When she sees my scared look, she lets go and signs to "Calm down, she will explain what she can. Doc will be here soon and can tell you more." I nod that I understood. "You can sign?" I ask, the best I can, with a cast on my arm. "Yeah, Doc, Jules, and I all learned some. I am Ivy, by the way," she signs standing up to shake my hand. I noticed she was pregnant, heavily pregnant. "Wow you're pregnant, how far?" I ask, "Where am I? I kind of remember what happened, but how did I get here?" She laughs and replies, "Yes I am pregnant, a little over eight months. Doc thinks I will have them in the next week or two. As for the rest of what you said, can you say it again slower? I am still learning sign language." I start to ask her again but she looks toward the opposite way. I turn to see what distracted her. A gorgeous man who looks familiar is standing there. I can see his mouth moving. He is talking to her. I can make out him asking when I woke. I can read lips too. I know I recognize him from somewhere. It takes me a few minutes as they talk to realize it is from that night. He is the God-like man who saved me. I must make a noise when I realize it. They both turn to look at me.

I stare into his sky-blue eyes as he comes closer. I notice his hands moving but didn't see what he said, I was too busy staring. "Can you repeat that?" I ask blushing. I know he noticed my staring and I think my jaw was hanging open. "Hello, I am Levi, everyone calls me Doc. I found you beaten in the middle of the road. I brought you back here to our clinic and patched you up. I had to keep you in a medically induced coma, while your head healed. That was a little over a week ago. We stopped the meds on day five to keep you under, it took you another four days to wake up. Are you in any pain? You are due for your next round of pain meds, they will make you tired but the rest will help you heal. You have a few cracked ribs, a broken hand, heavy bruising to your face, and severe head trauma." he informs me. "I have been here and out for over a week? My job, they are going to fire me. What about who did this to me? Do the police know? Have they caught them? Did you see them that night? Where is here? You're a doctor but we are not at a hospital. How soon till I can go home? I need to let my employer know and go home." I fire off at him. Then I grimace in pain. Going that fast made me hurt and my head was throbbing from the stress. "I will answer a few of them and then you are getting your meds. The pain and stress are sending your blood pressure through the roof. You will need to be here to be monitored for at least another week. Your employer was notified, and the cops that we know that we can trust know. They will be here tomorrow to talk to you and our club. It's not safe for you to go home yet. No, they haven't caught the responsible parties yet." he tells me as he gives me a shot through the IV. I don't have time to process or stress about what all he said before the medication knocks me back out.

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