Why Him?

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The next day school was canceled and Shadow had decided to take on the streets tonight.

I tried to avoid Jeremy and Chase, ignoring all their calls and texts- though they didn't seem to leave me alone. They showed up at up at my door step at ten o'clock in the morning. I sleepy opened the front door,"You may not know this, but SOME PEOPLE NEED THEIR BEAUTY SLEEP!"

"Calm down princess, no need to get so riled up," Chase said handing me a hot paper cup, "I brought you coffee."

I smiled taking the coffee,"I might just like you now."

A real smile appeared on his face,"Good. What's not to like."before his normal arrogant attitude reappeared.

Jessica appeared being them, slowly trailing behind, and saw Chase and I smirking at each other,"Are those two flirting again?" She asked Jeremy looking up from her phone.

The coffee I had in my mouth shot out onto Chase ' face. I covered my mouth with my hand to keep from laughing, but I couldn't help it. Chase gave me a deadly glare and I stuck out my tongue and started running away, up the stairs and into the living room okay to trip and fall by Chase ' foot. I pulled him down with me but regreted it as he only landed on top of me. His elbows broke the fall and his face was only a mere few inches away from mine. Huffing and puffing, he looked down into my eyes and for a moment something flickered. There was a soft loving look in his eyes.

"Aww!"Jessica squealed handing onto Jeremy's elbow, "Look at those two! They'd be soo cute!"

I rolled out from underneath Chase and he closed his eyes and sighed in defeat, as if he didn't want me to leave.

Jessica tossed me a warm wet towel and told me to go and wipe Chase's face. I grumbled choice words as I wiped the hit sticky stuff from his face. Chase cringed smirked as he sat down on a barstool and I got down on one knee. I rolled my eyes at him and Jeremy chuckled with his deep velvety voice. It was only then that I realized how close the two of them were standing. I threw the towel onto Chase's lap,"What's going on between you two?" I nodded at them.

Chase stood up beside me wiping his face once more,"yeah. What is this?"

Jeremy turned to look at Jessica who slightly blushed at him. Nothing needed to be said, they were obviously going out. You could tell by the love that radiated of both of them.

Chase patted Jeremy on the back,"Nice man."

I rolled my eyes and walked past him and took a long look at Jeremy. They really were perfect for eachothe: same sweet but protective personalities. Kind hearts. Jeremy was at least a good two heads taller than her, which only mad them look even more cute.

"I approve," I teased.

Jeremy looked at me amused, "Are you going to do that whole if you hurt her I'll hurt you thing?"

I shook my head,"No. I'm pretty sure you know that I would do more than just hurt you."


Tonight I decide to go out as Shadow.
The cool night breeze was blowing through my hair as I looked down from the top of the ware house building. Two figure were walking by,"Why can't we just grab any girl? How will they even know it's her?" U recognized their voices immediately as Chase and Jeremy's.

"It's alright man. Let's just get it over with. They said they'd pay us too."

I jumped down from the roof and onto the ground, safely landing on my feet," You boys lost?"

They both looked up at me and police sirens and lights flashed through the neighborhood. Damn it! this was just a set up!

"Shadow! Put your weapons down and your hands down. You're under arrest for-" I put my gun up and shot into the air cuting him off," What have i ever done wrong? If it wasnt for me, those thugs would still be cruising the streets! You should be rewarding me! I do more shit than you do!" they fired, but instead off hitting me they shot Chase in the arm instead. i quickly grabbed them both by the hands and pulled them into the warehuse. An old boxing ring was sitting in the middle along with an old dusty half used water bottle. We hid underneath the boxing ring, in a small compartment that was built specificaly for reasons like this; my dad was the one who built this training room. He used to train me in here, teaching me how to be strong and defend myself. Part of the reason I was doing this whole vigilate thing was to get attention from my dad, trying to draw him back home.


Sorry for the short chapter you guys but i hoped you enjoyed it. his was a bit of a informational chapter, and a chapter to let Chase and Kayla flirt. Please read my other book: A melting Heart (if u want. Im not forcing u!) i dont know if you can see the picture i added, ut if you can then thats what I want Chase to look like.

Thanks for all th reads you guys. I was actually quit suprised to see how quickly i was getting all these reads!



xoxo, me!!!!

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