The Past Comes Back...Eventually

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I sat at our usual cafeteria table, with Erin, Jessica and Jeremy. A couple of the popular kids had started to trickle in and to my suprise they came and sat at our table. Laughing and chatting away with everyone, but me. Chase came and sat down at the head of the table, laughing away with everyone else, like nothing was going on between us. He didn't as much glance my way.

Britney was sitting unusually close to him, their bodies were practically touching.

Not being able to take anymore I threw my trash out and walked outside to clear my head. The cool spring breeze played with my hair.

There were a few kids sitting out in the parking lot by their cars, smoking cigarettes. The terrible stench of weed drifted my way. They noted me staring and waved me over,"Want some?" They offer holding a pack open.

I let myself free and took one. A guy with piercings all up his ear handed me a lighter. The first puff was overpowering. It was only later hat u realized that this wasn't a normal cigarette.  It was weed, hidden in a normal cigarette box. I ft wild and rebellious as the smoke clouded in front of me. I ft like I could overpower the world. My little problem with  Chase and my dad didn't seem so important anymore. All the stress the was inside of me poured out of my mouth along with the smoke.

I walked up he parking lot, and sat in front of my car, puffing on my only stress reliever.

The door leading outside from the cafeteria opened and out came Chase and Erin. They were talking in hushed tones. I thought about hiding myself, but I didn't care of they saw me smoking. Sure they would be mad, Erin would be furious; the at time we both smoked was in grade ten. Then my dad told us that we couldn't fight if every hour we needed a break to smoke. So we quit. Erin quit in fear of my dad, and I quit because I knew my dad was right. He was a heavy smoker to when he was young, then he found fighting to help him quit. I wanted to be just like him, strong and unbreakable. But Erin  was always his favourite though she didn't know. She did everything perfectly, only because she was scared to face every my dad's wrath.

"Kayla! What the fuck are you doing?" Erin angerly grabbed the blunt from my fingers a day threw it on the ground, crushing it under her feet.

I shrugged and started heading to the other kids to get another one. Erin grabbed my wrist and yanked me back hard enough to pop my shoulder.

Chase was beside her, looking at me with shock and disappointment. I didn't care what he thought of me anymore.

"Let go of me you bitch!" I exclaimed trying to get to my car. She let go of my hand, shocked. I had never called my sister anything like that. Nor have I ever intended to.  Though right now I didn't really care about anything.

I made my way to my car, bumping Chase's shoulder on my way. I pulled out the spare pack of cigarettes I kept, when I smoked just in case I ever needed one.  I lit one and relief washed over me.

I realesed a puff in Erin's face just to bug her. I laughed, being the cigarette between  my fingers,"Miss the feeling?" I teased inhaling another puff, "Ah, I missed it. It feels really nice though."

She glared at me, and slapped me across the face,"Go to hell." The walked away shoving me. I staggered back then glanced over my shoulder at her back know as she walked backed I to the school, her shoulders hunched and her hands curled into fists at her sides.

"You going after her?" I asked Chase who couldn't stop staring at me.

"You used to smoke?" He asked.

I chuckled and nodded,"Why do you care?"

Chase narrowed his gorgeous blue eyes at me,"Who are you anymore?"

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