The Next Time I See You I'm Going To Kill You

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Chase didn't talk to me at all at school for the whole week-scratch that, he didn't even look at me. I gave him his space though. Erin and Jessica were right, I should have just avoided Chase as Shadow. But I let him get the better of me. I let him in when the whole purpose of being Shadow was to keep everyone out. Be the better person that keeps the shady neighborhoods a safe place to sleep at night. A safe place to live with your family. A safe place for children to sleep at night. But I was stupid enough to forget about all that, because if one silly little boy.

Chase came late into class, red rimmed eyes. he glanced my way but quickly averted his eyes when I looked back.

"Welcome, Mr.Cooper," the teacher greeted,"Please take your seat so we may continue with our class."

Lucky me, the only seat left was the seat next to me. He sighed and took the seat, scooching in his seat as far away from me as possible, without sitting on the person next to him.

Class mates were looking at us weirdly. I buried my head deep into my hands. The next time I see my dad I was going to kill him. And I was going to make him suffer, as much as I loved him.


"He hates me!" I exclaimed throwing a knife with so much force, it buried itself in the wall so only the hilt was sticking out. Jessica tried to pull it out but she oh fell back on her butt.

Jeremy was leaning against one of the steel desks in the training room. Erin and I had finally told him about our night time life. He had taken it much better than Chase did. At least Jeremy didn't kiss me, or have a major crush on me, as me and Shadow. So I didn't blame Chase.

"He'll come around eventually," Jeremy assured.

"But you don't understand! We had the biggest connection and now it's like gone..." I said pulling out the knife that I got stuck in the wall and twirling it in my hands,"You should have seen his face when-" I stopped myself before I said anything about my dad,"when my mask face fell off." He had a look of pure horror and terror. Like he had just watched his mom die. He looked almost broken.

I punched the wall with anger and regretted it as a sharp shooting pain shot up from my hand into my arm. My knuckles drew back bloody and split.

"Why don't you go see him tonight?" Jeremy asked, "I can get a message out for him to meet you...wherever you guys usually meet."

"And if he says no?"

Jeremy shrugged,"He's not like that, he'll come for you." He pulled out his phone and texted Chase. After a long pause he shut off his phone and put it back in his back pocket. I looked at him with no expression,"He's not going to come is he?"

Jeremy shook his head sadly,"Sorry."

I waved my hand as if I was swatting away his apology. I guess he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore.

But I thought we had such a connection that night when we kissed. He felt so right against me. In that moment it felt like nothing could go wrong. Like we owned the world.

But things only got worse from there.


Sorry for the short chapter you guys. This is a very unedited chapter. Don't get mad if there's spelling mistakes! Once I'm done the book I'll go back and fix all of them.

Comment what you think happens to Kayla and Erin's Dad. He's a douche isn't he?

Hope you guys are having a great March break! Enjoy the warm weather, or cold. Wherever you are! I'm still driving! And I've seen like 50 Chipotle restaurants! I can't stop laughing!!! but I understand why that little kid said Chipotle was his life. I wish we had these where i live...

Love y'all.
Xoxo, mee!

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