I Don't Do Love...

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So you all probably figured out if who Shadow had her little conversation with on the rooftop. ;) if u didn't then...you'll find out in this chapter, though it wasn't that big of a mystery.
Anyways, thanks to y'all who actual take the time to read these "little" messages I give you!


Chase made no mention of his little talk with Shadow last night. I didn't say anything about it to Jessica either, even though it wasn't that big of a deal, I just really felt like keeping it a secret.

When I got to school, I caught Chase making out with his ex - according to the good ol' schools gossip mill- at my locker. I don't why but I felt broken inside when I saw them together. I felt betrayed though I couldn't even stand Chase to begin with. I just thought he was done with sluts and trying to be the schools biggest jock.  He had even started ha ginger out with Jessica and I on a daily basis, I guess I was just worried that he would stop.

Jessica caught my at, "What are you- oh. Come one. Let's go. We have some things to talk about."she dragged me out of the hallway and around to a deserted one,"What were you doing at night after you told me to leave? I tracked you back to the warehouse so don't even try to play dumb with me." She rolled her eyes at that.
I sighed. There was no getting out of this one,"I went to go see Chase." I mumbled.

Her eyes got wide and she wiggled her eyebrows, "As yourself?"

I shook my head and looked at the ground, too embraced to tell the truth,"He wanted to talk to me.  And he followed me the whole night." I admitted.

She didn't seem as shocked as I expected. When I first started doing this, she told me that if I ever saw someone I knew, just turn the other way. But I was bound to break that someday. I just never thought it would be with Chase.

"You little flirt." She slapped my arm playfully.

"We did not flirt!" Okay maybe just a little. But not really. I only did because Shadow has such a strong ego. Nothing is impossible for her.

Jessica teased me,"Whatever. Are you upset that-about...what you saw..."

"Chase kissing that girl?" I don't know. Maybe a little, "No."

Jessica gave me a quizzical look,"So you wouldn't mind hanging out with him tonight?"

Yes I would mind,"Never."


When I got home the front door was already unlocked. It could have just been my mom- but her car wasn't in the driveway. I pulled my hood over my head, covering my face, and put one hand on my gun, ready to pull it out in one swift move just in case someone came out at me.

There was a creaking sound coming from inside, like footsteps. I slowly pushed the door open with my gun, then hid myself in a dark corner, only my gun sticking out. When I got into the kitchen, there was a person standing there going through the fridge, pulling out various items,"Hey Kayla, do we have any ice cream."

I got up from my crouching post on from behind the counter. The girl turned around and showed her face. The same face that I had.  With the exact same back hair striped with red. A black tattoo started at the inside of her arm and a the silver barrel of a gun gleamed from the waist band of her pants,"You should really work on your stealth, little sister."

"You're only older than me by thirty seconds!" I protested," And plus you couldn't have done any better."

Erin smiled,"What you get done while I was gone?"

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