Why Are You Running?

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I tried to avoid Chase at school the next day. But he didn't seem to get the message,"Kayla! Kayla stop ignoring me!"

He didn't call me princess. If he didn't me princess then be must actually want to talk to me about serious stuff.

I went into the crowded cafeteria a day tried to find Jessica a day Erin, but they were sitting at a table with Jeremy. Nope I couldn't go there, Chase would only follow me. Instead I ducked out the exit door on the other side and tried to find the girls washroom. But base beat me to it. He had gotten up on one of the tables and called my name,"Kayla Moore. Why in the world are you trying to run away from me?"

The cafeteria had gone silent and all eyes were on us. Erin was glaring holes through Chase and I, deciding who she should kill first.

"Get down from there Chase!" I hissed through my teeth.

Chase smirked,"Only if you talk to me."

"I have good reasons not to talk to you." None that I could explain but they were still very reasonable reasons. I started to walk away but everybody started to boo. So i turned back around, "Chase what do want me to say to you?" I couldn't possibly tell him that I knew he liked me. Not without telling him I was Shadow.

Chase jumped down from the table and got up close to me,"Walk with me. I want to talk to you."

I sighed,"Fine."

We walked outside and down in the fields. Just the two of us.

"Are you upset because you saw me kissing Britney yesterday?" Chase asked wincing at the sun.

"What? Chase you can kiss who ever you want, as long as it's not my eighty year old gradma." I teased hoping the laughter would ease the tension a bit.

Chase laughed softly,"So then what's got you a riled up then?"

I shrugged. Then stopped walking as I heard a strange noise coming from the other end of the field near the bleachers.
Chase didn't hear anything bit kept on walking, "Are you coming?"

I squinted the sun out of my eyes and noticed a figure crouching under the bleachers. I put a finger to my lip and motioned for base to slowly walk away with me. Maybe they would just eave us alone if we left them alone. But that didn't happen. who am I kidding, that never happens!

The figure started to come closer to us, we seemed to have drawn it out of the bleachers,"Stay behind me." I whispered to Chase.

"What- holy shit he has a gun. What are you doing?" Chase asked me suprised by my swift actions. I didn't pull out a gun but I walked in front of the other guy keeping one hand on my gun in strapped to my back.

"Shoot me." I challenged. I was really putting myself at risk by showing my fighting skills, but as long as I didn't use my gun then I'd be okay.

The other guy smirked,"You're not her. I'm looking for your sister bitch. "

I smirked back,"And what makes you think I'll tell you? "

"Going to play your sisters bitch huh? Fine. Maybe I will shoot you."

Chase stepped in,"Hey man. What the hell you think you're doing?" He asked. Oh Chase. Stupid sweet Chase. He was only going to get himself hurt.

"Chase move. Move" I told him sternly,"Go inside and get my sister." I told him. At least he would get out of here while I beat the crap out of the psychopath in front of me.

"What do you want from my sister?" I asked the man curling my fingers around the gun on my back.

"She has something of mine."

What? "Oh? And what would that be?"

He gave me a long look,"Why do you care?"

"Why would I not?" That was it; this guy was getting to my last nerve. I elbowed him in the face and I heard a crack come from his nose. His finger hit the trigger and the shot went wild. The bullet grazed my cheek and blood spilled from the open wound,"You son of a bitch!"

He held his bleeding nose and I wiped the blood from my cheek,"You broke my nose!"

"Oh go cry me a river then build a bridge so I can walk over it." I spat just as Erin walked onto the field with Chase slowly trailing behind her. She noticed me and the son of a bitch in front of me fighting, and whirled Chase around so he couldn't see us. I was going to have to thank her later.


"Are you busy tonight?" Chase asked me.

"Yes." I answered. Tonight I was going out. Me as Shadow, and Erin as Dagger.

Chase looked bummed," Oh."

I gave him a sad smile,"Is there something you wanted?" I asked trying to make it better.

Chase shook his dark hair put of his eyes,"No. Just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out."

All of a sudden hanging out with Chase seemed more fun than doing anything else tonight,"Chase?" I asked.

"Mm?" He didn't look up from the ground.

"Why- why is it so awkward between us now?" I stuttered now seeming all to intersted by the dirt on the floor.

Chase chuckled,"Oh good. You noticed that too," he looked up at me but I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze,"Kayla? I - what happened to your cheek?"

Damn it! I had forgotten to cover up the area where the bullet cut my face! "Uh -uh. What are you talking about? " Just play it dumb.

Chase ran his thumb over the wound and it came back red. I winced as he wiped the crust of dry blood from my face with his fingers,"Here. Let me."

I grabbed hold of his hand before he could do anything else and he froze in my grasp, looking deep into my eyes.

I don't know how I didn't notice before how beautiful Chases eyes were. They were like the colour of the ocean rimmed with the sea. Like sparkling water that glistened in the sunlight.

"Uh. Sorry." I said letting go of Chase's hand. His cheeks turned a deep shade of pink. Aww! He was blushing! Chase was blushing and it was adorable. I scolded myself for having such thoughts; No Chase was only trouble. I saw the way he kissed Brittney the other day. But maybe he wasn't. He was so real when he talked with me- me as Shadow. He was so sincere and honest. Like he didn't only care about getting the girls. Like he actually had feelings.

"Kayla?"his soft voice snapped me out of my thoughts,"Are you coming to my game tomorrow?"

Game- oh. Right. Tomorrow Chase had his big football game.

"Do you want me to come?" I don't know why I asked. I wasn't planning on going but I guess if Chase wanted me to go, then I would.

What ever made me feel so connected to him?


Boom snap! I had no idea where I was going with this chapter at first. But yeah. It ended up like this. Thanks for all the reads you guys it really means a lot to me! I'm getting a lot of reads faster than my other one so I may just delete A Melting Heart.

Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this one. I don't know when I'm going to update next cuz I'm going to Florida for March break (it's my first time!!!) With my cousins and they're really active people. So I may have to sneak in some phone time or only update after the break.

Love you guys a ton!!!

Xoxo, me!

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