I Liked You Better Gone

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She left before I could say anything. Stupid coach!

She didn't even pull away once I kissed her. She almost molded herself into me wanting more. I wanted more. But now she was gone and I had no idea when I could see her again.

Oh no:Kayla? What was she going to think if she saw me kissing Shadow. I had obviously wanted her to be at my game yesterday, but I didn't even talk to her, let alone see her.

I ran around the school trying to find Kayla. This was so complicated.  Shadow and Kayla were so much alike. They were basically the same person! How was I supposed to choose between the two of them?

I bumped into Kayla - literally. She had a big smile on her face,"Hello!" she waved at me, unusually cheery.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned. I've never seen Kayla so happy before. I didn't even think it was possible for her to be this happy.

"I've never been better!" she flashed her per extra white teeth,"Are you okay?"

Relief washed over me,"Were you at the game yesterday? I didn't see you."

Her smile grew wider,"Oh no. Sorry I couldn't be there. I had some...family issues." She said rolling her eyes.

I scratched the back of my head,"Oh. Okay. Hey can I talk to you about something."

The bell rang signaling the two minute warning before class stared. Guess I wasn't going to talk with Kayla.



The taste of Chase's lips still lingered on mine from last night. The way our bodies curved perfectly together. I missed it. I wanted to stay that way for as long as possible.  But Chase's stupid coach decided to interrupt ever so rudely. 

When I got home, Erin was waiting on the training room staring down at a price of paper,"What the hell is this?" she asked slamming the paper down on the steel table and pushing it my way. Erin was staring at me with her intense silver eyes. That was the only obvious way you could tell Erin and I apart: because of our different eyes. Mine was a deep dark brown while Erin had my mom's silver stormy  eyes.

"What the hell is thit about?"  Erin asked again.

"I don't know." I lied reading the note once more: meet me at on the rooftop tonight. You know why.

"Who are you meeting?"

"Just a friend,"

Erin's eyes bore into mine, but I didn't budge.

"I got to go." I grabbed my mask and my leather jacket before hoping onto my motorcycle painted with purple flames.

"You're out of gas." Erin warned before going back to typing away on the computer,"Oh yeah, Jessica is coming over soon. We have some work to do. Come straight home after your...date..." she chose her words carefully.

I glared at her one more time before pulling on my mask and jacket and heading into the dark. I wasn't going up to the rooftop right away. I was going to search the streets first. Keeping my head low as I walked past dark empty alleyways. There were the normal sounds of drunk men grunting as they stumbled back to there homes after spending all day in the bar. Or the usual huff and puff of teenagers trying to get high. They were not my responsibility. I couldn't do anything about them. They were like sheep wandering off the meadow that could not be brought back by one single sheep dog.

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