You'll Figure Me Out Soon Enough

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Chase was awfully quiet at school the next day. We were all sitting at the same lunch table picking at our cold disgusting caffiteria food. I winced and dropped my fork as the macaroni stuck to the fork,"So u heard you guys ran into that Shadow girl yesterday."

Chase briefly looked up at, dropping the pen he was playing with.

"Uh. Yeah. She just passed by us though."he said weekly.

Chase looked down and continued playing with his pen, lost in thought.

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch,"My house tonight to finish the project?"

"I can't. I'm...seeing someone...tonight." Chase answered.

Jessica gave me a hard stare, she knew that today was my day to go out. She normally helped me out, like speak through a microphone to me and give me heads up and stuff while watching through the monitors and cameras. She was my team," 'kay see ya later I guess then.
The wind ruffled through my hair as I waited on the rooftop of the warehouse I was yesterday. Jessica's voice crackled through my earpiece,"Where are you know? I thought you said you beat them?"

I had just take a couple of thugs trying to rape a little girl. She had ran into my arms crying after I had beaten the men up, thanking me until eventually he fell asleep in my arms. I need up carrying her back to hers house-getting information from Jessica first. Her parents weren't to happy to see me at first but when they saw her little girl in my arms they were literally willing to pay me. But I couldn't take their money. I did this out of the kindness of my heart. I did this to show that our town won't be ruled by muggers and drug dealers. I do this to prove that we are better than that. At least now I have another family on my side. Another person to say I should stay on the streets and do the job that our police officers can't get done.

I spoke back to Jessica,"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming. You can go home now, it's late. I'll see ya tomorrow."

With a sigh she said alright and left.

I waited on the roof top, staring at the night sky dotted with little silver diamonds of stars, waiting to hear familiar pitter pattering of footststeps.

"You're late." I said not turning around. I put my gun back in its holister that was strapped to my back.

"Sorry. Uhh, I have no excuse." He murmmered.

I didn't turn around as I spoke,"It's alright. As long as you didn't leave me standing here all night."

He chuckled in his deep voice, sending a warm feeling down my back,"Uh, t-thanks for saving me."

"It's my job. Though not many try to stalk me and follow me around while I'm doing business."I sat down, keeping my back to him.

He took a step closer to me,"I saw you save that little girl today."

I didn't say anything, just look out at the sky. You could here the city's traffic from out here. It was the sound I fell asleep and woke up to every day. It wouldn't be right if I didn't.

His voice broke my thought,"How long have you been doing this?"

"Long enough." I said in a low voice.

"Why can't you see your face?"he asked dropping down beside me.

I smirked and got up,"You'll figure me out soon enough." And jumped off the rooftop.

Sorry for the short chapter you guys. But this one goes out to my friend lanarox123 cuz she really wanted me to update today soo...yeah this is for you. Hope you enjoyed it. It was more of an informational chapter. Who do you think she was talking to? It was probably really obvious but I tried my best to keep it suspenseful.
Anyways tell me what you thought of this chapter. yeah!
Love ya guys!!!
Xoxo, me!

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