She Respects You

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Once again I was sitting by my sister's bed with Tyler and Jessica. She's wasn't doing well at all, she was loosing more blood than ever and her heart monitor was slowing down.

"Does it hurt?" I asked putting a hand on her hand. She looked really pale and you could see the bones in her cheek,"A little bit," she cringed. Her voice came out raspy.

"Is there anything we could do to-"

Erin waved her hand and cut me off,"No," she knew. She knew that she only had days, maybe hours, to live. She knew and she was okay with it,"Three hours."

Three hours. Three hours was all she had. Three hours. Three hours. Three hours.

My breath escaped my mouth and I stared at Erin's small, pale, thin hands. Her fingers tangled with mine we sat there like that for what felt like hours. Hours that were slowly slipping from Erin's grasp.

Tears slid down my fave one after the other and slowly crashed against the back of our hands.

"Are you crying?" Erin asked softly bringing up a hand to wipe my tears.

"No," I sniffled,"I just have something in my eye,"

"Uh-huh," Erin smiled,"Don't cry. You'll see me again, one day. Don't ruin everything without me. I want you to keep dad in check and make sure Tyler stays with you guys. I'm afraid he'll get back into the Gang. And don't get pregnant before you get married,"

I laughed a little recalling all the memories we had together. Memories made of smiles and laughter, crying and sadness, happiness and sadness.

I remembered our first day our training started. My dad had started of with self defense then we moved on to boxing. Then we both learned karate and jujitsu together before we picked our weapons- and learned to properly fight. Erin picked her silver gun then, it belonged to one of the most skilled assassins in America. That's why she chose it, do she could become like that one day. She's always wanted to be such a great gun handler, and now she is the best.

My dad came rushing in red-eyed,"Don't go,"was all he said as the breath left from Erin's body. She went limp in the bed and her hand went cold in mine.


I was sitting in the hotel room twirling a knife in my fingers. My dad had gone to some bar to get drunk and forget about the night. Erin's words rang in my ears: Keep dad in check.

How was I doing what she wanted by letting him go to a bar and let him drink like a mad man? Tyler was sitting beside me reading and re-reading the note that Erin had wrote him. She had in fact taken the time to write us all notes, mainly just telling us to stay good and keep her name well. She recalled some memories and told us what she felt about us. She had told Chase to never hurt me or she will come back from the dead and turn him into a zombie. That part cracked us all up. Leave it to Erin to get a laugh out of everyone at a time like this.

"When's the funeral?" Jeremy asked.

"There's no point in jumping from hotel to hotel now. We'll have it when we get back," Elena said entering the room while reloading a gun,"In the meantime we have to stay as guarded as possible. Get as much rest as you can. It's a long way back,"

I stopped twirling my knife and it dropped to the floor,"When are we leaving?"


"A.M?" Chase exclaimed.

"Yes," we all answered at the same time,"We don't have time to wait till the next afternoon," Elena answered,"Go get your dad. He needs time to sober up,"

"Well if he's anything like me, it shouldn't take too long," I mumbled as I headed out.


The cool night breeze felt good against my skin, blowing the collar of my jacket back. The wind woke me up from the nightmare I was walking in. Tears slid down my cheeks silently, and I could taste the salt from them.

Elena had given me an address to the bar my dad had found new company in, but I had been roaming around for a while and I still couldn't find anything. Finally I found a dingy little bar in an alleyway and I went in to see a fight go on in the middle of the bar. And of course my dad just had to get in the middle of it. Money was being passed down from drunk viewer to to drunk viewer.

"Hey," I called stepping in the middle of the circle and facing my dad,"You need to leave," I told him tugging on his shirt and trying to pull him away.

He wouldn't budge at what. Punches were flying over my head and I had no chance of tugging my dad away.

So I did the only thing I could think of at rhis moment and punched the other guy in the nose, causing him to fall to the floor with a bloody nose.

"I'm trying to talk to my dad!" I said to the man on the floor and pulled my dad away,"This is not the way to blow of steam!" I told him once wet got outside.

"I waswinning," he slurred.

I shook my head,"Is that what's so important now?" I asked crossing my arms as we walked to keep the cold out,"Erin told me take care of you before she..."

My dad sobered up,"Don't say her name,"

We walked silently for a little bit the sound of leaves crunching under our feet the only sound.

"Was she really afraid of me?" My dad asked breaking the silence.

I took some time to think about my answer. I didn't want to tell my dad the truth; that she really was scared of my dad. She was terrified at first to see the dark soul he was under his mask. But then she always obeyed him and cane out to be just like him,"No." I answered,"She respects you."

____________________________________________Hello my lovelies! How did you like thit chapter? It was more of a filler I'm sorry but stay tuned for the action that's coming soon ;) tell me what you guys think so far!

I have a lot going on right now so I might not be able to get in a lot of updates. But stay tuned anyways! I'll try my hardest to find some time!

Thanks for all the reads though. I'm almost at 1k! Woo!!! All thx to you guys. And if you read these little messages I give you, ☆SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO☆ YOU!

Love y'all!
Xoxo, mee♡

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