Hiding The Truth

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The hotel we were staying at was a three-star hotel and on the highest floor all of us splitting into three rooms: Jessica, Jeremy, Chase, Erin, Tyler, and I shared a luxury suit and Elena and my dad shared a room right beside us.

Chase and I had called the biggest room with a view of the city's sky high buildings lit up like Christmas trees at night.

I had packed more weapons than clothes: my regular black gun, knives, and more bullets than you could imagine.

Jessica had packed a small version of our computer set up back in the "layer" to continue to track the London Gang and any other criminal activity in the city.

It was a lot harder than you thought, laying low. It was like barely being awake while you were doing things - keeping yourself at minimum movement.

My dad and Elena had gone out to grab food for us, and the rest of us went to check out the rest of the hotel. We ran into some of Chase's football friends, thankfully they seemed a little to boozed up to register much. I had gotten a slight heart attack when they saw us.

"Hey should we go back up?" I asked Chase as we enter the elevator again.

Chase grabbed my elbow and guided me to the corner of the elevator so other people could come in. We were squished against the wall, the only thing keeping us together was our fingers linked together.

Finally the elevator came to a stop and everyone filed out.

"I was think we hit the gym first?" Chase said wiggling his eyebrows as he hit the button for the main floor.

I was still dressed in my training outfit from earlier today so I guess it wouldn't hurt to go, "Fine," I smiled giving in.
I squeezed my small frame against Chase's tall build, molding myself into him as more people entered the elevator and joined us on our ride down.

The gym was big, filled with long glass mirrors along one wall equipped with racks of weights ranging from all sizes.

Plenty of guys stopped lifting their weights as they saw me walk in. I guess I could see why they would be shocked to see me in here, I looked a lot smaller for my age, only coming up to Chase's shoulder. Though my thin arms and my stomach were tightly corded with muscle I still looked like a tiny weak fifteen year old when I was actually 17.

There were a lot of guys in here - more men than I have ever been with in one room. Actually there were so many guys in here I didn't even notice I was the only girl in here. Talk about being uncomfortable.

I pulled myself up in the last available chin up bar in the room while Chase started running on a treadmill.

"Hey gorgeous," the guy next to me said trying to keep up whit the speed I was going at.

I turned my head slightly to look at Chase who didn't here what the weird dude next to me was saying,"What's your name?" He continued. 

I just ignored him and focused on reaching my goal of 40 pull ups. I did a lot of training on this because I had to be able to pull myself up onto high buildings using my surroundings. So doing a couple of these was nothing. My arms only started to slightly burn as I reached my goal.

"Do you know how to talk? Or are you going to remain silent and just let me take you upstairs to my room?"

I dropped down from the bar and pantsed the guy right then and there. Forget about laying low, I wasn't going to stand here and let this guy be a total dick to me!

There was a lot of gasps and Chase was smiling wickedly at me as the guy struggled to pull up his track pants and recover from embarrassment.

"Listen you little shit," I said crossing my arms over my chest,"I don't take talk like that understand. I have a boyfriend. If this is how you think you can pick up girls then you're in for a rude awakening mister. Don't talk to me like that ever again or next time I'll do more than just embarrass you," there was a few cheers as I finally decide to walk out, Chase hot on my heels.

He slipped his hands in mine,"Good going," he said grinning down at me.
Do guys actually think that they'll get anywhere by talking to girls like that? Are they seriously that oblivious?

We ran into my dad and Aunt Elena in the elevators bot of them carrying bags of food. Yum, my stomach growled at the sight of them. I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, skipping on my cold disgusting lunch and having nothing but gulps of water and Gatorade I use when I train.

"What'd you get?" I asked my dad as we entered the elevator.

He stood perfectly still and emotionless as he answered,"Food," he answered grimly.

I didn't bug on getting the idea he didn't want anyone talking to him. That was one thing I really admired of my dad, he could stay perfectly expressionless in any situation - unfortunately that was something I could never do.  My sister mastered the skill in no time and that's how she is all the time: blank.

Chase's grip on my hand loosed and he moved into the corner of the elevator waiting for my dad and Elena to get out first.

Poor guy, he was probably never going to get over my dad. They man tried to shoot the poor boy!

"Guys, go freshen up. We'll eat outside today," my dad told us.

Erin was hogging our washroom when I got there,"Open up,"  the door pushed open at my words and for a second I thought u had magical powers.

"What?" Erin said grumpy.

"I need to wash up."

(Two days later)
Jessica's P.O.V-

I hated this hideout thing. Yeah, maybe I was with the people I love but that didn't mean I enjoyed jumping from hotel to hotel, from city to city. Today we were driving in down to New Jersey  so we could get a hotel for about two days before we took off to the city.

This was definitely not what I meant when I said I wanted to travel around the world.

A soft kiss was placed on my cheek as I typed away on my computer trying to  find out anything new about the London Gang.  Right now they were as still as a statue. No movements since they went back. They must be working with a professional to be this quiet.  I expected at least one killing. Or recruiting a new member. But there was nothing. Blank like a sheet of paper. 

"Relax a bit Jess," Jeremy's soft voice whispered into my ear.

I wiped my face with my hands. You have no idea what it's like to go to bed every night worrying about being killed or used as a hostage. I couldn't imagine how much worse things would be for Kayla and Erin.

Living their lives in fear of being discovered and hunted down not only by police but by a powerful almighty gang too.

I wonder how that would be to love with being able to kill someone for the rest of your life.  Or living with the thought if being found. Or being killed. To spend your whole life hiding the truth from others, especially the people you love.


Bad ending I know. Sorry but I had no idea how to end it and I was putting it off for to long. I hope you enjoyed it though. That was more of just a filler chapter. The next few should be packed with action.

I think in going ro end the book in a kit ten more chapters or so. Maybe. So don't cry.

Thanks for all the reads you guys. Help me reach 1k! Tell your friends and followers about it. Vote and comment if you read so I know you people out there want some more!

Love yall

Xoxo, mee!! :^

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