It's Just a Dream...Hopefully

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My dad totally freaked when he heard that my aunt was here and no one had told him. And when I say freaked I mean throwing his fist at a tree and split the bark a little. Erin gulped and backed up behind me while Chase stood there frozen with shock. Jessica continued talking as if my dad hadn't just done that. She was used to it by now, being my best friend and all.

When we were younger she spent days at our house sometimes, and that was no excuse for my dad to reduce his anger.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier!"

"Because she told us not to," I answered.

"We need to lay low for a while. We can't strike for a while or the gang will come back and hunt us down, they already know our secret. They have something against us and we, well we have nothing," Jessica said in her normal smart way.

"They killed your mom!" Chase said finally speaking up.

"We have no proof. We need something stronger. Aunt Elena might have what we need," I said, the wheels in my head finally starting to turn.

Just then a figure dressed in a tight black leather dress with big black heels. Her makeup made it hard to decipher her real identity but with a few try I came to a conclusion of the mystery woman being my aunt.

Her arms were crossed at her chest and a silver gun was dangling from her fingers,"I belive this is yours," she said handing it to Erin.

Erin grabbed it with shaking fingers,"I thought it was gone forever,"

"Hello big brother," Aunt Elena said looking up at my dad who towered over her small frame.

"Elena, why didn't you tell me you were here?" My dad boomed. Even though he looked exhausted, his voice didn't hint at it.

Elena shrugged,"You know now," my dad didn't seem to like this,"Come down Allen, I couldn't risk contact with you and out you in danger. The London Gang is filled with dangerous people."

I hadn't heard my dad's name come out of someone else's mouth in forever. It sounded...unfamiliar.

"And what business did you have with them?" My dad asked leaning his body against the tree we were all standing here.

There were people walking around, standing in front of passed loved ones and resting flowers in front of their tomb stones.

"We should go somewhere private. This isn't exactly a place to share this information," Jessica said reading the words from my mind like words of a book.

We all agreed to meet back in my training room in twenty minutes. Elena had something quick to do and Jessica and Chase wanted to run home and change into more suitable clothes.

Erin, my dad and I went back to our house and waited in the training room - or my "layer" as I liked to call it.

I had changed into my regular pair of training clothes along with Erin. We looked like one of those little children who always dressed the same as their twin: both of us in a yoga tights and tight black t-shirt with a pair of black combat boots.

Erin and I were busy practicing defense training with each other. I kicked her with my leg but Erin ducked and continued with a right hook that I quickly dodged. This is how it went, a series of attacks but we never really touched each other. It was like a sychronized dance. This helped us with our defense, to block and dodge our opponent's blows.

"Good work, try blocking the punches with your arm, it will cause tons of pain to the other person," my dad's voice boomers through the large training room.

I stopped what I was doing and caused Erin to stumble on me.

"Jeez you weigh more than a cow!" I groaned from underneath her.

"Look who's talking you pig," Erin said rolling off me.

I shoved her playfully causing her to stumble again but not fall.

Jessica entered a minute later tapping away on her phone along with Jeremy and Chase strolling along behind her.

I sat down at the edge of the boxing ring, my feet dangling above the ground. Chase came up to me while everyone was in a deep conversation and squeezed the my feet sending a small tingle up my legs.

He rested his hands on my thighs, and looked up at me,"We'll get through this. Don't worry."

I wanted to take his head in my hands and kiss him for being so amazing,"I hope," I said holding his face in my hands.

Chase moaned quietly at my touch and closed his eyes.

"Hey you two, thus is no time for dilly-dallying! We have work to do!" My aunts British accent stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the voices of everyone else.

There was another person with her - I realized it was Tyler, the "new" kid in our school. I didn't quite trust him just yet, and I could tell Erin didn't completely trust him either, but at least more than I did.

"No more going out, you're all in danger meaning you all need to stay low." My aunt said in a stern tone.

My dad was about to inject his input but my aunt spoke up first,"No more parties, friends, or saving the city at night thing. There's a small hotel I've booked for two nights in the city. You have twelve hours to pack your things, and leave. I'll meet you at the hotel to discuss our next move," she said before leaving.

I was going to miss this place. There was no going back now. We had no chance than to leave. The gang members knew where we lived beacause they knew our secret, at least some of them; the important ones.

I jumped down from the boxing ring,"I'm sorry I got you involved. I didn't mean to, I shouldn't have!" I was rambling off like a mad man.

"Kayla!" Chase's voice interrupted. He was wide we'd and holding onto my shoulders,"It's alright. It wasn't your fault. I would've gotten myself in this one way or another. I would do anything for you, 'cause I love you,"

The words spread warmth through me and I felt all tingly inside, like a volcano of love just erupted in me. I never really knew why book characters had always been so happy when someone told them I love you, but now I knew. Now I knew why they felt woozy and like this was just a dream. I would wake up any minute trapped in my bedroom and my mom would come home from work and then change and leave again without uttering a single word. Erin would still be in London. Chase and I would go back to hating each other and I there would be no problems.

Fingers snapped in my face breaking my thoughts,"Kay? Are you okay? Did I- I take t-things to f-ar?" Chase stuttered.

I just looked him straight in his beautiful blue eyes,"I love you to," I whispered.


Bad chapter I know. So how'd you like? It took me forever to actually come up with something and this is what I come up with!

Who celebrated Easter? Hope you guys enjoyed it even though it was like two days ago u didn't get to ask you about it.

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Love you guys!!!

Xoxo, me!!!

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