They Got What They Wanted

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I sat by her bedside watching as her chest ever slowly rose and fell, small gasps of breath escaping her breath. Tears stood frozen on my cheeks.

They got what they wanted, watching us all break down into a million pieces. Two people, two loved ones, two family members, two amazing people. Both of them gone in a span of one week.

There was a tight aching feeling in my heart, like another part of me had broke of and was lost forever. 

I knew there was only a matter of time till...

Everyone was sitting quietly, perched in the end of their seats. Elena was leaning against the wall and her dad was standing out in the hall, not being able to bear the sight of his second daughter dying on a hospital bed.

It must've been hard for him to see his wife, and both daughters all break off from him. Be taken away like they were just measly objects that could be taken and thrown away.

Tyler was leaning against the doorframe beside Elena and  staring off into space. Jessica was sitting on the bed releasing silent tears onto Kayla's shoulders.

Jeremy was patting my shoulder reassuring me, but really he was just trying to hold his tears in.

Then Kayla's dad walked in and it happened. Her chest stopped moving up and down. Small struggled breaths stopped leaving her mouth. Everything just stopped. The heart monitor went off like crazy and nurses came rushing in till they saw it was too late. It was too late to do anything.

A bullet hit her, right in the chest and she only had a few more moments to live no matter how much we helped.

There was no more Shadow. There was no more Dagger. There was no more Kayla, there was no more Erin. There was no more twins. There was a shattered heart in all of us. This was it. This was the end. We were done. They were done. They got what they wanted and we got what we never deserved.

The end had come. And it was time for us to all face the truth no matter how difficult it was. There was no more hiding it. No more hidden identities. This was it and there was nothing after.


Jessica's P.O.V-

I didn't know how everyone else was doing it. How they kept the screams inside them when Kayla's body was dragged away and put away. How they were keeping the wild beasts in them from tearing them up inside them.

I couldn't do it. I was screaming and crying and a big mess all over the floor. No way could I do this without being a mess. The wild best inside me was eating up every part of me. I didn't want to watch any of this happening. My eyes hurt, my head hurt, my heart hurt. I lost a big part of me - twice.

Jeremy pulled me off the floor and embraced me, petting my head and kissing my head,"Shh. It's alright.  Everything will be f-fine,"

Nothing was going to be okay and Jeremy knew it. But I appreciated the reassurance.

My hear was beating so fast I thought it was going to explode. How much more could I take  before I did explode?

Chase was a mess as well. Tears were falling down his cheeks like a waterfall. I couldn't imagine his pain; he lost the only girl he found love with. The only girl that ever treated him different from the other girls. And now everything was  gone. I couldn't imagine how broken and lost he felt.

I needed to get out for air.


Tyler's P.O.V-

They looked so alike yet they were so different. Same face but different hearts. Same eyes but different souls. Same lips but different smiles.

It was weird to not have the two of them with us. When Erin was in London with me, she never said she had a twin sister. She mentioned an older sibling once or twice but she never said anything about how close they were. Family was aaa rough subject for her, and now there was nothing left but their dad - Mr. Allen.

He was a cool guy, I guess. He scared the bejebees out of Chase which was a bit amusing. Erin had told me what kind of training her father put her through when she was a kid. All the blood and beating was enough to scar her emotionally. But she always wanted to be the best and do nothing but please her father and not only did that result in greatness but she learned to shut out the emotional pain. She learned to accept the fact the without pain there was no gain. Without pain there was healing.

My heart ached for her. My arms pained to be wrapped around her small frame. My lips tingling with the urge to yet kiss her. But I waited too long. Waited till the last minute which went by too quickly. And now I was stuck with the pain and guilt. Stuck with the red eyes and silent tears. Painful cries and forced smiles. Stuck with the loneliness.


Jeremy's P.O.V-

There was no going back. Everything was gone. They were gone. There was snot hung I could do. Nothing to bring them back. No more Shadow. No more Kayla. No more Dagger. No more Erin.

Jessica spent her days locked in her room and crying in the dark. I had to sneak in her through her window to see her.  Her cheeks were tear stained and salty. She didn't bother to wash her makeup off after the funeral and she was silently sobbing under the covers. Her clothes were scattered on the floor along with pictures.  Pictures of the three of them, starting when they were little.

I couldn't imagine what she was going through. She lost her best friend. Her sisters.

"Jess?" I whispered pulling the covers away. She was shaking. 

"Jer," she moaned grabbing me and pushing me down on the bed.

"Jess what are you doing? " I asked as hs eproceeded to unbuttoned my shirt.

"I need  a distraction," she mumbled kissing me hard.

I struggled to push her off and eventually I did heaving and out of breath,"This isn't the right distraction. You should be mourning Kayla, not trying to forget her," I told her grabbing her hand. I pulled her into a tight hug,"Come on. Let's go see the others,"

I'm very sad right now. And I'm sorry If I made you sad too. We'll get through this rough time together.

I miss Kayla and Erin already : (((((((

This may be yhe last chapter though.  I might write one more then because this had a terrible ending. Or I might just jump straight to the Epilogue.

Thanks for all those that stuck with this book! Shout out to you guys!! And to those that voted or commented an factually read these blurbs I give you.

stay tuned for more from me!!

xoxo, mee!!

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