Hero's of The City

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Everyone else had gone to the layer to clean things out and get rid of things. Tyler was there playing with all the things they had ready packed up in boxes and keeping things for himself. Elena was there picking up any stray weapons. And their dad was leaning his forehead against the cement wall trying to punch a hole through it. I had half the mind to go over there and tell him that he wasn't going to get anywhere but just as I opened my mouth a signal crack appeared in the wall.

I shut my mouth.

"You look like a fish when you do that," Tyler said trying to hold in laughter.

I glared at him.

Allen's big booming voice echoed through the almost empty room,"I want everything gone. Just incase the police decide to investigate this place,"

We were all about to finish putting everything away in the remaining boxes until Chase spoke up suprisingly,"We should unpack everything and put it back to the way it was before," then he shrugged,"At least the police will know the place belonged to the hero's of the city."

We all looked at him. He had a strong look of courage on his face. Like he was ready to conquer the world, any challenge thrown at him.

I admired the need found courage he had found - hopefully we could all find the same breakthrough...

Maybe we could one day find the courage the hero's of our city had and fulfill their legacy.


Duh duh duh!! terrible ending I know and I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I will try to make the epilogue a little longer. Key word try.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it for you. All the reads I got in these last few months was amazing and I love you guys for it a ton♡♡♡♡

help me reach 2k by the time I finish this book??? Yeah? That's my goal and I want you to help me reach it.

I want to hit at least 100 votes by Christmas as a wonderful gift. If that would happen I would go ballistic and if I could I would probs go and kiss u all. lol jk. (maybe...)

if u don't already follow me on my ig: @supernaturalfreak_x I just created it. if u want a shout out for ur book just follow me for the instructions.

sorry for the short chapter and the long blurb.

just want to say love y'all!

xoxo, mee♡

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