Slowly Breaking

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For a while I thought it was only me that was a little bit afraid of this whole situation, but as each day passed it was like a little bit of everyone broke and snapped. Jessica stayed up late nights on her computer digging up information. Erin was as cold and heartless as a stone and Kayla had stopped eating and lost days of sleep staying up talking with the other girls about who knows what. Some nights she ventured out into the building and practiced her fighting. Her and Erin still sparred sometimes, practicing defense and what not. We were all getting paranoid.

"Hey man do you know where Erin is?" Tyler asked entering our room. He had grown quite fond of her lately.

I wiped my face with my hands and sighed,"Sorry dude. Though she's probably with Kay and Jess. Just call-" nevermind, Elena had taken our phones before we left. Part of the whole stay hidden procedure. So now we were like dead, no movement.

Kayla came in a minute later stumbling around,"Woo! Hey get yourhandsoffme!" She slurred when I caught her before she hit the floor face first. She reeked of alcohol and- omigosh! Not again.

"Kay have you been doing dugs?"

"Baked like a cake," she giggled.

"Oh god," I sighed and sat her down on the bed as the other girls came in. Erin looked like the devil with her hair sticking up like horns and her eyes glowing fearsly,"You!" She pointed at Kayla.

Jessica looked pretty angry too and it was kind off scary to see her like that recalling that she was normally so innocent and proper. It was weird to see her all hot tempered and angry running around like an angry mom. She grabbed Kayla by her elbow and yanked her up and out of the room,"Not funny. Your dad's going to kill you."

That shut Kayla up and she cane back running back into the room and jumped up and down,"Sure. Tell him whatever you want," she giggled.

"Kay, sit down," I said tugging her arm so she fell on the bed beside me.

"Oh my. The handsome boy wants me in bed," she giggled and wiggled her eyebrows.

I blushed instantly, then froze when I heard big footsteps booming through the room,"What going on here?" Kayla's dad boomed.

I gulped, Kayla was so in for it. But when he entered she sat up properly and put a smile on her face,"Nothing daddy," she said sweetly as if she wasn't high a minute ago,"We were just discussing what we should do to pass time,"

Everyone stared at her like she had gone crazy.

"What?" Was all she said after her dad left.

I'm lost,"I though you were "baked like a cake" ," I air quoted.

Kayla shrugged,"I probably am. I did a little weed and drank a little but I can always sober up when I want to,"

She still smelled of alcohol.

"Do you have anymore?" Tyler piped up.

Erin nudged him with her elbow,"Don't encourage her," she said coldly as Kayla grinned wickedly at Tyler.

Tyler held his hands up and backed up,"I'm sorry m'lady," he teased bowing his head a little with a small grin.

Erin gave a fake smile and grabbed a chunk of Tyler's shirt and pulled him out of the room.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"They have a thing," Jessica and Kayla said at the same time.

"Oh," I said suprised then turned to Kayla as the other two left the room,"Can you teach me to fight?"

"I already taught you defense remember?"

Oh u remembered, her dad had specifically instructed for me to have a class with him. He even took me to one of his boxing matches and it was one of the scariest things in my life. With the amount of blood you would think it was a competition to see who would die last!

"No, really teach me. Teach me to fight like you, with a gun and a knife," I pleaded.

Kayla shook her head,"It took me years to get where I am now. I've been training ever since I could walk! I'll teach you a little bit but if we want to learn how to be a hood shot then you've got to go to Erin,"


We were in a big open field a little way away from the hotel. The wind was howling through the trees and the sun was dimming to a faint orange glow.

"Don't hesitate," Kayla said pinning me to the ground and holding an unloaded gun against my stomach. I smiled at her then unhanded the gun from her and pressed it against her

"Don't hesitate," I smirked.

Her lips came crashing down on mine and we kissed getting faster and faster, more urgent. It felt so right with her. Like we were meant to be connected. Like her hand in mine was the only hand that was supposed to be in mine. It felt like the whole world revolved around her.

"Come one you guys, don't be making out here!" Erin's voice said as she jogged down the hill toward us,"Dad's looking for you-" she stopped short and her breath came out shakey. Her hands flew towards her stomach before she crumpled to the floor like a statue breaking to the ground.


Hello my lovelies! I know the chapter was short. I'm sorry but it just had to b

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