I Don't Care, But A Small Part of me Does

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Erin's P.O.V-

I stared down at my mom's limp body laying perfectly still in a coffin with flowers placed on in her fingers. She looked so peaceful and happy finally. I saw my dad sitting nearby on a chair somewhere alone, his back hunched over and his elbows resting on his knees. He looked somewhat distressed. I wanted to go over and comfort him, but I knew better. He would just push me away anyways. That's the way he is; emotionless.
There wasn't really anyone I knew here, maybe a few of my mum's coworkers by face and of course Kayla and Jessica. My grandparents didn't even come because they didn't want much more to do with my mum when she left and became the person she is. There was a whole bunch of good looking men dressed in suits that showed off their muscles sitting in one of the middle rows- probably all guys my mum's brought home for one night then left the next. Though I have no idea why they would come unless they actually liked my mother which was hard to imagine.

My mum was a beautiful woman, on the outside. On the inside, she had a soul as black as coal. She was so amazing, so good to everyone, and so caring about everything; then my dad left and she thought she had nothing left to work for. She stopped making dinner or our lunches, she stopped buying groceries- except for her goddamn wine- and stopped talking to us. She had left us to do everything, that's when we decided we needed to get our dad back somehow. That's when we started going out as Shadow and Dagger.

My dad used to go out in the streets when he was younger, before he met my mum, and had twins. He had told us so specificly not to do anything that he taught us anywhere else but with him. That's why it would obviously catch his attention.

There wasn't many people here that we knew, they were all my mum's co-workers and a few guys she had - only God knows what she does with them...

Kayla tugged down at her black dress and cringed when it didn't pull over her knees. I knew how she felt, we both weren't much of the dressy type of people. Leather, pants, and black were all we needed.

My mum's casket closed, and a part of me went crazy, my heart was fluttering and a small part of me felt empty and wrong. I know my mum was barely in my life, but she was still my mum.

Four men proceeded to carry the casket out of the room and brought it outside to put in the car waiting for it. Family followed next, which only consisted of Kayla and I. My dad thought it would be better to stay with the crowd, he didn't want to drag to much attention to himself. He would come and pay his respects like everyone else- half the reason being he loved my mother like crazy, but he hated her at the same time. Because of how careless she had been.

My mum's death had been our fault. The London Gang found her and killed her while we were in the school. They had killed her because we hadn't done what they asked, so we had to pay the price.

When I was in London all the fang would teach me was about sacrifice. If you don't learn it then what kind of gang member are you? You learn to kill and enjoy the feeling of cold blood splatter against your skin. And too be honest, I think they finally got to me. I've killed twice the amount of people I have since I left home, and the worst part was I didn't mind. Watching as they gasped for their last breath was part of my daily life in London.

I know I said I didn't really join their gang, and that'd true. But you can't really say no to them, unless you want to have your head blasted off and presented on a platter for the whole world to see. I didn't turn down their offer till after I saw what they did. I had even joined one of their "crusades" and it was like having a nightmare after watching a gory horror movie come to life.

"Erin," there was a soft touch on my shoulder,"Where's your sister?" I looked around to see Chase standing there in a sharp looking black suit.

I looked around. Kayla was sitting right next to me a moment ago tugging at the hem of her dress. Where did she go,"She might've just went to the washroom," I said,"Didn't Kay tell you not to come?"

Chase nodded sadly,"But I can't just sitting there at home and pretend I didn't watch your mom die," he said softly.

That's right: when Chase had been dragged away, at the school, he had been asked to give up our locations. But he wouldn't budge, so they shot our mum instead to try to get him to speak. He still wouldn't budge. But he saved our lives. Sure I didn't really want my mum to die, but I try not to let myself feel to much for anybody. To much of anything just hurts you in the end. I learned that the hard way.

"Erin, we're at the cemetery. There's no washroom here," Chase said pointing out the obvious I was to blind to see.

"Right,", I said rubbing my hands on the sides of my dress.

Kayla came up beside us a minute later her arms crossed,"I thought I told you not to come," she told Chase keeping her eyes on the casket being lowerd into the ground.

"Why would I not come?" Chase said turning to look at Kayla.

That shut Kayla up. She just looked at the ground then wrapped her arms around Chase's waist.

I stood there awkwardly wrapping my arms around myself to spread warmth through me.

A cold shivered through me as they finally lowered the casket all the way down. She was gone, it was done. We no longer had a mother.

A single tear fell down Kayla's cheek and onto Chase's crisp black dress shirt.

I stood there scowling at everyone and everything. If it wasn't for me then none of this would be happening. My mum would be alive and doing something somewhere far away from us. Kayla and Chase would be fine and wouldn't have to worry about anything. My dad probably wouldn't have came back. And I wouldn't be the first person on the death list of the main London Gang fully equipped with former assasins and top grade military weapons.

People started to head out and walked away with only a few tears in their eyes. We lingered a little waiting for everyone to leave. There wasn't going to be any fancy ceremony after with lunch in a fancy banquet hall. No my mum wasn't that special.

"Where were you?" I hissed at Kayla,"You just decided to up and leave?"

"I just took a walk," Kayla said in self defense.

"In a cemetery!" What did she think she was doing? Walking in a beautiful park with fields of flowers and warn sun? "There's freaking dead decaying people buried ten feet in the ground!"

Kayla shrugged,"Exactly."

I wasn't sure if my my sister had just turned into a zombie or something. So I just waved my hand like I was dismissing the idea.

Jessica spoke up first,"Okay...so I have some news:" she took a pause and looked at both Kayla and I,"The gang went back to London. They went back because that's where your aunt supposidly went before she 'died'," she used air quotes around the word died.


"She faked her death so she could come here and help you guys get out of this mess," Jessica said a little to loudly.

"She did what!" Kayla exclaimed shocked.

My dad heard and came over,"Please clear up who this aunt is," he said in and proper way. He looked different in his crisp and clean black suit.

I looked at the ground. There was no way in hell I was going to lie to my father. No, not unless I wanted to die. Who knew how he would react to the truth. With my dad you never knew.


Hey peeps. Sorry for the wait, I usually don't take this long to update. My mind was just so blank this week. And it still is. It went from cloudy gray to a really faint rainbow.

So how was your week? Good.

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Thanks for all the reads you guys, help me get to 1k! Share this book with u r friends, vote, comment, share, and follow!!!!

Love y'all! :^

Xoxo, me!!

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