A Floating Sensation

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Chase's P.O.V-

I walked out of the shower with steam rolling off me. The locker room was unusually quiet. When I walked into the main room all the guys were crouched on the floor, all huddled around something.

I quickly tied my towel around my waist before making my way over to the group,"Move!" Kayla was sitting on the floor clutching her bleeding arm,"Someone get  an first aid kit!" She ordered.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked her as she bit a pice of her shirt and ripped it off.

"They're here," she said wrapping the piece of fabric around her bleeding arm,"And they said they were coming to kill me!"

What? How could all this be happening now? We can't have two funerals at once! How could I even live with Kayla dead! Who would I have? She was the only girl I ever loved and I can't ever go back to the jerk I was before.

Kayla stich ed up her arm - pretty badly at that too -  and quickly got up tossing me her gun,"Stay safe," she said, then she turned around before opening the door,"Well what are you waiting for? Go put shirts on. My boyfriend is standing right here!" She grinned before walking out.

"You heard the woman! "I nodded to all the guys and they quickly rushed to their lockers and put on a shirt.


Kayla's P.O.V-

My arm was really starting to hurt and if I hadn't stiched it up it the blood would be soaking through the 'bandage' I had put on. There was a long tear in my shirt where I had ripped it off to wrap my arm up in. Half of my stomach was showing making me even more vulnerable.

Jess had texted me what class she in and I made my way there. She was going to fix up my arm better than I just did. It was really hard to stich up you arm in yourself.

I slowly opened the door that Jessica had left unlocked for me and walked into a full class all squished together against the wall. They all flinched when I walked in.

"Hey," I ducked. Unwrapping my arm,"It hurts like a bitch,"

Jessica smiled a little and got out the small emergency kit she kept with her for well emergencies.

The needle slowly pierced my skin and the wound started to come together,"Was there any glass in your arm?" Jess asked.

"No. He just stabbed me then the shard fell out as I fell," I explained.

Jessica nodded talking to me to distract from the pain,"All done. I called your dad and Elena, their going to be her soon,"

It was my turn to nod with understanding,"Make sure everyone stays safe. I'm going back out," I said rubbing my arm then groaned remembering I gave Chase my gun. I patted my body down feeling for any extra weapons that I forgot I had. Luckily I had a knife strapped to ankle and a baton on my thigh.

I walked out twirling the knife in my hand, in between my fingers. Footsteps echoed through the barren halls. I quickly pressed myself into a tight corner.

"You think you can hide from me?" A deep raspy voice called. I could hear the safety of gun being clicked off and I sucked in my breath and stared to crawl away into an empty room.

The sound of punches and weapons clashing against each other came from the hall and someone dropped from the ceiling.  She was wearing a catwoman suit and held a long rifle in her hand,"Nice hiding spot,"

I released all the breath I didn't know I was holding in,"Elena. Thank god its you," I rested my head back on the wall behind me,"You wouldn't happen to have a gun with you-" before I finished my sentence a small black handgun was tossed my way.

"Always come prepared," Tyler said emerging from the shadows. In his hand he held Erin silver gun.

My stomach tightened when I saw the gun. It clenched and did a million back flips as I heard the safety being clicked off.

"What are we supposed to do?" I asked checking to see if I had enough amo in my gun,"Almost got killed twice, and they sure as hell wouldn't mind trying again."

"You stay with me," Elena said grabbing my shoulder,"I'll guard you back."

I nodded,"Dad and Tyler split up. We can cover more ground that way. Eliminate the head and then the whole mission will be-" I stopped talking and coughed up blood.


I fell to the ground and everything went black.


I could hear sirens in my dreams. Beeping and hushed whispers. Sobs and shocked gasps. I struggled for air and I slipped into a floating sensation.

Chase's P.O.V-

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  What I was hearing. What was happening. Warm red liquids tainted my hands, leaving a mark - a sign.

I tasted salt on my tongue and heard screams and crys. I was too shocked to do anything. Too shocked to move. I was scared and I felt a pang in my stomach. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be happening! 

Everything went black and all I remembered was hitting the floor with a pang and hitting my head hearing the crys of strangers and the shouting of doctors.


Omigosh! OMG! !!!! What the hell just happened?! I'm a terrible person, I know. This is going to be one of the last few chapters I'm writing for this book and then the prologue and I'll be done.

I'm sorry for just doing that but you got to keep reading if you want to know if she makes it or not.  Don't shoot me...or you won't know what happens next ;)

Thanks for all the reads guys. I'm making my way up there. I'm going to make my goal a bit more achievable and say about 50k by Christmas☆ think I can do it? Help me reavh it my lovelies!!!!

Xoxo, mee!!

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