☆Only If☆

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The Vampire king Jimin was never interested in love nor the mating/marriage thing. That's the reason why the king had decided to marry as soon as he found his mate Chaeyoung. But little did he knew what Jimin was doing is one of the biggest and grave mistake of his life. He still didn't had a single clue about his real mate. Over all, every single people of this dark realm thinks that Chaeyoung is their King's mate, their future queen but oh how.... wrong they're to think this.

That's how Chaeyoung and Jimin were going to marry on the next full moon night which is tomorrow and after that they were going to mate with each other. Seeing this Chaeyoung was extremely happy cuz her wicked plan was working very well by now. But is she aware that a mere human what she thinks... was going to stop her and fuck her up real badly.

Jimin wasn't sure suddenly why on earth he started despising Jungkook's presence. Jimin didn't knew why he started hating the poor human at the first place and that too the hate was totally pointless. Jungkook never did any thing against Jimin's liking, then why Jimin was hating his slave unnecessarily. Jimin still remembers at first how he used to talk and behave normally with Jungkook but later...... suddenly every single thing changed and he realised how he was treating Jungkook like utter shit.

But even after realising Jimin's unknown hate towards Jungkook, it didn't died down. He was just hating the poor thing but no matter how much Jimin tried he wasn't able to ignore the hatred. This ruthless & cruel side he had recently developed for Jungkook. Well for now he doesn't want to waste his energy or time upon thinking about a mere slave. So he just shrugged it off and went away to prepare himself for the wedding and the mating ritual with Chaeyoung.

Jungkook didn't knew what he was going to do but one thing he knew for sure that fucking bitch.... made him so helpless and Jungkook knew very well he should do something which will make her regret for blaming him.
Jungkook was satisfied at the fact that his human smell was hidden from all these blood thirsty Vampires. All thanks to his Jin hyung who had helped him in hiding his human scent. That's how he was somewhat safe.

Jungkook sneakily marched towards Chaeyoung's Chamber. He was very careful enough in not getting caught by the imperial Vampire guards. Once he reached the place by climbing and jumping he was there finally. But the moment his eyes landed on the different figure in Chaeyoung's bedroom, Jungkook was horrified to the core. He couldn't believe what he was seeing but yet again he had already encountered many supernatural creatures. So seeing a big huge black werewolf wasn't new for him.

But what weirded out Jungkook was Chaeyoung bended down, caressing the smoky black fur of that wolf lovingly and within a snap of minutes the wolf shifted into a human form and Jungkook had his mouth hung widely open in shock. As the wolf was in his human form she hugged that person tightly and soon both of them had their lips attached eating out hungrily.

Jungkook's p.o.v :

The fuck is happening here ? Why is she kissing that damn wolf shit. This whoresome bitch is cheating on Jimi- is cheating on Master. He don't deserve her, master should be with someone who will love him unconditionally not with this damn slut. But wait is she marrying master just to be the Queen of Vampire Realm ? Just for power, fame and wealth that's it. I need to tell them about her.

But wait Jungkook who on earth will believe here on a mere pathetic human slave ? That's when I heard them talking about master.

"Sehun I missed you so much, to the point that I don't want to marry that poker faced bastard anymore" Chaeyoung said to the werewolf named Sehun infront of her.

"Don't forget our goal chae ! You can't let everything go in vain now. You are the goddamn werewolf and the most powerful wizard, you need to marry Jimin at any cost. Cuz once if you marry that bastard you will be crowned as the queen of this Vampire realm" Sehun said while looking straight through Chaeyoung's eyes. And Jungkook was listening every single but of this conversation.

"Just think about the goddamn power's you'll have once you become the queen of the most powerful king. You will make Jimin weak with your powers and then think about the fact how easily we can kill an immortal pure blooded Vampire. Then this all Vampire realm will belong to us werewolves" Sehun laughing maniacally, he was the Head Alpha of the most powerful Werewolf pack.
As everyone knows Vampires and Werewolves are sworn enemies from centuries. And yes Chaeyoung was the werewolf not a damn Vampire. But at the same time she was also a wizard who was easily able to disguise herself as the Vampire with her powers.

"But Sehun we can't kill Jimin just like that. He's an immortal for fucks sake he can't die. Why can't you understand it ?" Chaeyoung shouted getting irritated at her lover.

"Chae what's wrong with you ? You're marrying him to make him weak enough with your powers to the point Jimin can't defend himself. We still have that sacred Phoenix dagger with us right ?" Sehun asked her to which she nodded agreeing with him.

"After your marriage you will make Jimin weak by different ways, which you should know. It's your responsibility to make him weak. And with that special Phoenix dagger which can even kill immortals we will easily end him. But ofcourse it's not that easy to tame the devil monstrous Vampire King" Sehun said and hearing this Jungkook's breath hitched and he didn't knew what should he do now after listening all of this.

"Today is our marriage and at night it's the mating ritual. Tonight I will try to drain Jimin's all energy with my powers as best as I can" Chaeyoung said as she was messily kissing her lover. She could easily drain Jimin's power being a wizard and the werewolf at the same time always had advantage to her.

Jungkook's heart was beating crazily against his ribcage. He couldn't withstand happening all that with the person he loved the most. He still don't know why he loves Jimin so crazily, he just knows his heart is only beating for Jimin. That's how strong the mate bond is even if it is broken. But unfortunately Jungkook didn't heard the complete truth as the imperial Guards were now coming near Chaeyoung's chamber and Jungkook could easily get caught. He definitely can't afford getting caught so he ran away. Otherwise things would have been different if he heard the complete truth. Jungkook could have somehow changed the destiny if he heard the last part.

"It's not that easy to drain Jimin's energy chae, we can't make him weak just like that he's the damn King of this realm don't you forget that. He's incredibly powerful and ruthless" Sehun tried to reason out while Chaeyoung had a wicked smirk plastered over her face.

"Well that monstrous devil have one weakness. And I'm going to use that against Jimin. His fucking mate. Everyone knows that an incomplete mate bond makes us supernatural creatures very weak. I've hidden the mate mark on Jimin's real mate and I've broken their mate bond. In this way Jimin will hate his true mate and he will despise his mate's presence, in short Jimin is unknowingly rejecting his destined mate. And if the mate bond is rejected it will definitely make Jimin weak" Chaeyoung explained and hearing this Sehun was damn satisfied.

"Then it's decided, no one can save Jimin and these fucking blood sucking creatures from us. Jimin will die eventually getting weak and at the right time, me and other Alpha's will stab him with Phoenix dagger when he would be in his most weakest state" Sehun said and before anyone could see his presence he left to his pack.

But how unfortunate.... things would have changed if Jungkook had heard the last mate part what they discussed. Jungkook could have done something if he knew it, Jungkook had just heard the half truth now what will the human do ? was Jimin going to really die just like how they planned ? If Jungkook had heard the last part of their conversation, may be things have been completely different it was only the..... if.

End of Chapter

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