☆lost his existence☆

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It was complete silence in the pitch darkness my eyes shot open widely when I heard the loud bang of the door, for a moment I was relaxed to see taehyungie he is fine atleast unlike me chained up here, yoongi Hyung is along with him and I can't say did he revealed that he is vampire to taehyung, I think he didn't revealed other wise tae wouldn't be this relaxed instead he would have been shouting and trembling, my hands are totally numb and I can't move at all my wrists have turned purple due to the chains, as soon as I saw jimin he  is here along with them, my body starts to shiver unknowingly they are talking and tae Hyung what's wrong with him he is not even reacting when I'm all chained up here like this, what's wrong with him?.

"Tae hyungie!! I'm so happy to see you again, please help me ask yoongi Hyung to free me out from this chains" jungkook was really glad and a bit relaxed when he saw his Hyung he hoped that now finally he can be free, but was he correct ?

"umm.... excuse me ? do I know you and why are you chained up like this, yoongi who is that boy ?" tae asked his boyfriend yoongi and jungkook blinked thrice his eyes and his ears unable to take the words what just his brother said he recieved the biggest shock of his life.

"Hyung please don't joke around with me, I'm your younger brother jungkook, how can you forget about my existence and I'm already scared to death please Hyung don't do this with me" jungkook already had lost it when his brother refused to believe him, jungkook was a sobbing mess by now the only family he had his brother his everything doesn't know a single thing about him jungkook felt like he completely lost his existence.

"you blood sucking monsters !! what the fuck you did with my brother, I'm sure you made him forget about me, please give me my Hyung back" jungkook yelled furiously and sobbed at the last lines tae was looking at him shockingly why the kid was saying that he was his brother.

"baby would you please go inside and relax in that room, we need to talk something with this boy" yoongi asked tae to leave and he went inside the room to relax and jungkook is almost on the edge of passing out due to the shocks he is receiving in one single day.

"jungkook listen here ! you are already aware that me and jimin we both are vampires, and your brother taehyung is my mate and I can do anything just to keep my mate with me by my side" yoongi said while jimin was eyeing the boy who was listening the words from yoongi.

"I made him forget everything about his human life including you with my powers and now he is converted vampire not a human, as we all know humans would never love a vampire so I converted him and now he doesn't remember anything about his past life" yoongi said while untying jungkook from chains

"How can you do this, he was my only family and now he doesn't know a single thing about me not even my name, where should I go ? what should I do now tell me?" jungkook said with cracked voice clutching his hairs out of frustration in his hands.

"jungkook you are my mates brother I won't kill you neither jimin, I won't allow him to do that, but if you want to stay alive or if you want your brother to be unharmed just shut your mouth and come along with us" yoongi said and jungkooks breath hitched on his words

"you have already seen our true forms and until now no human has been alive after seeing us, you can't  stay here, although I hate humans but you are going with us to vampire realm and don't make me repeat my words" jimin said calmly while glaring him with his gaze.

"who are you to decide about my life...." jungkook was cut off even before he could speak

"I said don't make me repeat!! thank yoongi for saving you otherwise you would have been dead in my hands by now, stay here don't try to move we are leaving tonight" jimin said in a tone which made both of them to flinch and jungkook just nodded his head what else he could do, if they are humans jungkook would have lashed them out or beaten the shit out of them, but he can't do that how could he they are damn blood sucking vampires he is helpless he is a normal human after all he just have to listen them against his will.

Jimin and yoongi left the place and went near the forest to do what they came here for, they started looking for werewolves about them their power, weakness their rules and about their packs every single thing
yoongi observed them and reported it to jimin while he did that jimin decided about how they will attack he planned which pack had to be crushed first, he created a perfect tradegy for the upcoming scenario and tonight after being done with this they are leaving back to vampire realm along with yoongi's mate a converted vampire and with a human.

meanwhile :

"what are you planning to do with him your highness, I hope you won't kill that boy" yoongi asked jimin worried about the boys fate in jimins hand

"As much as I hate humans, but there is something which makes me not to kill him and above all he is your mates brother, so I won't kill him instead let him just be my slave" jimin said while leaning on the chair

"That's a lot better, besides we can't keep him here it's good that if we take him along with us atleast he can see his brother even though tae doesn't remember him" yoongi said while mindlinking to others about the arrival of human in the vampire realm.

"Hyung I won't interfere in your matter regarding your mate, but do not bother me no matter how I treat this boy jungkook he is my slave, I hope you get that" jimin asked yoongi and he just nodded his head not willing to go against the king.

How the fates have changed where these two boys were leaving calmly in  their sweet life suddenly one changed into a vampire and the other has to be the human slave his entire life for the king of vampire realm, what turns would take now in jungkooks life, will he be okay without his brother, the only human found in the entire vampire realm how is he going to survive all alone with on one by his side.


I'm extremely sorry to all my readers for not updating, I will try to update more often

I hope you all are enjoying this story please vote and comment 💜💜💜

also jikook did a live together I'm so happy 😍😍😍

also jikook did a live together I'm so happy 😍😍😍

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