☆Fresh & New start☆

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Accordingly as Jimin had accepted on the condition that Jungkook asked him to be with him in his world and earn his love. Jimin willingly agreed to that and now he was quite nervous about the fact, how was Jungkook going to treat him in response to his previous behavior with Jungkook.

This was new before Jimin had been to heal realm for numerous tiles but this time he was going to literally stay there with his angry mate. This was going to be a tough challenge. Both of them were casually dressed up and with Jimin's teleporting power they were going to enter in human world.

"Where are we going Jungkook?" Jimin asked to be sure he had to temporarily to the correct place.

"To my apartment obviously, is that even a question" Jungkook replied back sassily and Jimin had his eyes wondering with confusion why is he being such an angry bird suddenly, I need to be very calm and patient with him.

They're here finally Jungkook eyes gets watery upon seeing his sweet home. He quickly rushes inside and flops down on on his dear bed which he missed a lot. Jimin just watches him and was confused what to do. The place was quite messy and dusty due to the absence of people.

"So, you are here for me that's a fact. I want you to help in cleaning this entire house today" Jungkook said with hands on his hips and Jimin had a horrified expression on his face. Was he serious ?

"You think I'm going to clean this mess, there's no way I'm doing it !" Jimin shouts that's when Jungkook marched towards him with fiercy look on his face.

"Let me remind you my dear beloved highness, if I'm not wrong I was the one who had cleaned your enitre chamber. Now kindly shut up and help me out" Jungkook said and came back with a mop and broom giving in Jimin's hands. While the Vampire king was stunned in his place.

Jungkook started cleaning the kitchen while he had asked Jimin to start with his bedroom. Jimin was cursing non stop he didn't expected this at all. Fuck he had never done anything like this in his thousand years of life.

While Jimin checked upon Jungkook's wardrobe he was feeling extremely guilty. He had never allowed the human to wear proper clean clothes in Vampire realm. The younger used to wear torn dirty fabrics. He was angry on himself for behaving such horribly with this beautiful sweet human. He swore that now he will work hard enough to earn his mate's love back at any cost. He was going to do whatever Jungkook says or asks him no matter what it might cause him trouble.

Jimin realised that now he was dirty seeing him like that Jungkook offered him his clothes and let me tell you Jimin loved the smell of Jungkook's clothes. Both of them were tired as hell so Jungkook made instant ramyeon noodles for them along with some fresh soju.

It was Jimin's first time trying ramyeon but to say he loved it would be an understatement. Both if them enjoyed the meal together with some kimchi and after that gulped down thr soju.

Meanwhile Jungkook talks with Jimin while washing dishes how his daily life used to be and how he and all other humans have to perform their daily chores. Jimin learned many new things about humans from his fate. He was surprised at few things when Jungkook told him that how things work here.

Jungkook explains Jimin about his daily routine his work and about his other interests. Jiminwas paying keen attention on each and every single detail.

It has been quite a while and Jimin began to feel thr urge to have blood. He was thirsty for blood and he needed ot now. Jungkook sensed the discomfort on Jimin's face and asked the Vampire.

"What's wrong you don't look okay and you've paled out ?" Jungkook also noticed the hesitation in Jimin's face. Then he nudges the Vampire to just say it out.

"I need blood but don't worry I can handle and try to control myself, it's just that... I hadn't got enough blood last time. I will be alright" Jimin assures him that it was fine for him but deep down he was going restless for blood. But he was controlling his best not to make the human uncomfortable under his gaze.

Jungkook sensed how pain and discomfort Jimin was feeling through their mate bond. He approached towards Jimin and sits beside him.

"You can drink my blood Jimin and since that I'm your mate it won't pain now" Jungkook said and hearing this Jimin immediately denies that he won't drink at all. He sworn to never hurt Jungkook again.

"Jimin it's just a little amount of blood but that will ease you down. I can sense how you're feeling, nothing to worry since I consume high amount of protein and my daily workouts will balance this shit, so trust me you need to drink some of it" Jungkook said assuringly that nothing was going to be wrong.

He leaned forward and displays his neck infront if Jimin and held thr elder closely towards himself. He intertwined their hands and asks Jimin to go on and that's when after a lot of dilemma and confusions Jimin finally sank his fangs on Jungkook's skin. He slowly pierced through his neck area and to be honest Jungkook didn't felt any kind of pain throughout this and Jimin begans to drink the sweet red blood of his mate. Which had always droven him crazy quenching his thirst for blood. After having the blood Jimin was fine now and then Jungkook asks them that now it was time for them to sleep.

Jimin really found it lovely that Jungkook cared for him. He was so lucky to have a mate like this unrealistic beautiful creature both from inside and outside. He felt different and weird here had to do things which he never did but with Jungkook everything was amazing. He had a smile on his face later before sleeping he kissed on Jungkook's forehead and switched off the lights. Which Jungkook had instructed him before sleeping.

End of Chapter

Vampires Lustful Desire: topjm [Jikook Angst] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now