☆Exploring new colors of Joy☆

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Next Morning was quite beautiful sun shining brightly above the clouds. Both of them were sleeping peacefully until Jungkook's phone alarm rings disturbing them from their comfort zone. Jungkook got irritated that's what he hated in his human world waking up early in the morning. But nevertheless he had to get up and right after him the Vampire was up too.

Jungkook yawns and lazily gets up from his bed. He then proceeds to his morning routine meanwhile he instructs and helps Jimin in few things.
Shock was evident on Jungkook's face when he heard what Jimin said just now. "Jungkook why don't we have a bath together, doesn't it sound romantic ?" Jimin asked with his eyebrow raised and prominent smirk plastered over his face.

Jungkook shakes his head in denial and begans to feel shy under Jimin's gaze. He sneakily tries to run away but was grabbed by Jimin on his wrist.
Jungkook resists and makes an angry face making Jimin to smile a little.

"I know you're still angry on me infact you shouldn't forgive me easily and that's why I'm here to repent on my mistakes and sins. But babe romance shouldn't get affected by all these things. Alright come on now let's have a shower" Jimin said and pulls Jungkook by his waist who was trying to run away.

The human stands still in his Vampire's arms meanwhile Jimin slowly undressed him and did the same to himself. Now they were naked Jungkook was firstly feeling shy but then he began to drool over Vampire's sculpted body. On the other hand Jimin was busy admiring Jungkook's hot curves and the sexy thickness of his body.

As the droplets of hot water poured over their skin the sexual tension begans to increase suddenly. Jungkook's long wet hairs were making him impossibly sexy. Jimin pours the shower gel in his hands and began to rub on Jungkook's back starting from his neck and spreading it to his shoulders. Jungkook was feeling hot and may be the thought that it was Jimin the person he loved the most was doing all this to him made his dick hard, it could be possible. 

Jimin's hands now roam to Jungkook's thicc jiggly round ass he spanks suddenly making the human to gasp. Jimin kneads the flesh of his ass and slowly slides his hands to his holy meaty thighs. Jungkook was sure he was literally on the verge of losing his last piece of sanity. Jimin then roams his hand on his inner thighs making Jungkook to slightly moan. Jimin enjoyed the look of Jungkook's face. He then rubs his hands thoroughly over Jungkook's navel & stomach then began to tease Jungkook by his nipples, slowly pinching and pulling the buds Jungkook moaned out loudly this time.

This time when Jungkook was massaging Jimin's wet back suddenly Jimin pulled him infront and attacked his lips. Jungkook began to kiss back passionately, the kiss was in perfect sync biting and sucking deeply for so long strings of saliva connecting still when they pulled apart. Jimin moved behind Jungkook and started the shower the water dripping away on their bodies. He started teasing Jungkook now by rubbing his dick on Jungkook's ass. The human was getting restless by this action he tried to push himself back but Jimin teases him more.

"I know you're horny babe it's all over your face but we need you to wait until you recover completely until then we aren't doing anything" Jimin said and kissed Jungkook's forehead and took the human along with him out of the bathroom.

Jungkook wasn't talking with Jimin for making him horny and leaving him just like that. Jimin was enjoying his angry mate's cute face. But still as per planned yesterday both of them got dressed up and went to enjoy shopping. Jungkook wanted to make Jimin explore this human world properly.

They arrived to one of the most popular shopping malls of south Korea it was Jimin's first time in car but this experience was nice too. It was really new and different for Jimin his world is totally opposite of this one. They were exploring this place firstly & then  Jungkook decides to buy some new clothes for Jimin.

Jimin tried few of them in trial room he looked awesome. Jungkook was in awe admiring his handsome mate. Jimin always loved Jungkook's heartfelt cute reactions. Later they ate snacks with some soft drinks. Jungkook decides that it was time for gaming he took Jimin along with him to the bowling, they played lots of games in the arcade and laughed so much, Jimin never felt like this before in his entire thousand years of life. He wished that he could have met Jungkook a little earlier.  He had so much if fun and enjoyed a lot.  For all these things and pampering Jimin was really thankful of Jungkook.

"Jungkook I'm so happy today thanyou so much for this baby, I love you and I really do mean it" Jimin said with a smile curved on his lips. Hearing this words Jungkook was by now a blushing mess with red cheeks. Jimin hugged him tightly in his embrace and pulled both of them into a soft chaste kiss. Their lips began to move in sync perfectly. Jimin was sucking his bottom lip seeking for access, which Jungkook gave him immediately both began to kiss for God knows how long and after they pulled apart. Jungkook sneakily pecks on Jimin's cheek and lips making Jimin's cresent eyes to smile. Finally both of them head backs to their home.

End of Chapter

Vampires Lustful Desire: topjm [Jikook Angst] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now