☆Lunatic monster and a crazy beast☆

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jungkooks p.o.v :

I don't know if it is correct but according to movies what I have seen garlic or pure silver seems to work but I don't think so it seems absolutely childish, i need to think wisely in order to teach that sucker a good lesson. Yup I need to find jin Hyung I'm sure he will help me out, lets get it!

"Jin hyung wait! I have something to ask you" jungkook shouted panting hard to catch his breath as he saw jin passing by towards his chamber jungkook asked him

"woah ! relax I'm here, what is it you wanna ask me bun" jin asked him

"Hyung I'm going insane with this place and creatures around me, don't you have any library or something where I can get to know about the history of this place, I know you can tell me but I wanna read and get to know about this place, if your king finds me chatting with you, he will kill me for sure" jungkook said trying his best to make jin believe he is really into knowing about this place but in reality he just want to find a way to take his revenge on jimin.

"um... there is a huge library and study hall of vampire realm near yoongi' s chamber so you can go and read there, but remember don't make any trouble I can't save you again this time" jin said while ruffling jungkooks hairs adoringly.

 there is a huge library and study hall of vampire realm near yoongi' s chamber so you can go and read there, but remember don't make any trouble I can't save you again this time" jin said while ruffling jungkooks hairs adoringly

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yoongi's chamber ●

woah! so this is yoongi hyungs chamber damn taehyungie you are the princes consort of this whole entire place, can't believe now how life take turns anyway I need to find library now.

Jungkook gets inside the library all the guards knows about him as their kings servant so nobody dared to stop him in the way, jungkook shuffled around few books searching hard until one book caught his attention he starts turning the pages, the words were 'vampires mere weakness' he reads what's written in that

Vampires aren't hurt by silver, only werewolves are. Reality: Pure, undiluted silver (or nearly so) WILL hurt vampires, in much the same way as garlic. Both used together (as in bullets) can even paralyze the vampire injured by them, and will (at the very least) cause crippling pain.

damn here I thought that I could kill jimin beleiving on those stupid movies it can just causes crippling pain but I'm sure they won't keep any garlic or silver here in this place and I can't go back to earth to get them.

I sigh feeling dissapontment but hey wait I won't let jimin get away that easily from me. I was thinking of any wicked or evil plan on how to get my revenge thats when another book grabbed my attention

vampires mate

The Vampires are very loyal and caring to their mates no matter what happens their mates are the most important priority in their life. If the mates wants to save his or her life they can save them by their heart blood if their mate is at the stake of dying.
This is the most sacred bond in the vampire realm when they mate the powers of the vampires naturally gets increased and it gives sense of calmness to both the mates being with each other.

Vampires Lustful Desire: topjm [Jikook Angst] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now