☆never underestimate a beauty☆

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Jungkook gathers all his strength and starts cleaning the place although his wounds pain a lot he is trying to deal with it, he is immersed in his work that he didn't noticed jin and hoseok pass by him they are here to discuss few things with Jimin but stops she they notice the poor by

"jungkook kid you are bleeding, are you crazy! how can you be so careless" Jin yelled at him and that's when jungkook notices that his white shirt is stained with blood near his waist the stab he got was bleeding due to the for jungkook was using on his body to clean the damn place.

"ah..Hyung I didn't notice it, but really now it's hurting" jungkook said while holding the stabbed area, Jin and hoseok felt pity on boy's condition jungkook completely looked like worn out his hairs messed, pale skin with dried blood around his neck.

"Here stop all this! let me heal your wound after that dress it with something" hoseok said while holding jungkooks hand dark purple aurora beam surrounded him and the wound was healed, while hoseok did that jin asked a servant then he dressed his wound with soft cotton cloth and tied it so that blood won't come out even after it is healed. That's when jungkooks stomach growled and he was bright red with embarrassement and he couldn't bare to look in their eyes, seeing jungkooks cute reaction both the vampires cooed at him and jin squeezed his cheeks
"No need to be shy bunny it's normal for humans isn't it? I know you haven't eaten, that's why I asked my maids to prepare something for you" jin said while ruffling jungkooks hairs

"Stop cleaning and have some food, we have to meet jimin that's why we are here, until we are back you should finish this okay" hoseok said with this they left

woah it feels like heaven to eat something after such a long time, damn why is he here, my holy fuck ! will he kill me with his sharp gaze now "who told you to stop and have food, you are not allowed to do anything without my permission" jimin said harshly grabbing jungkooks hairs and jungkook tightly grabbed his hand and slapped it away

"yah! what you think you are doing I get it I'm your servant, but if you won't allow me to eat, how will you have my blood huh? already you took so much of blood sucking me out, but let me tell you normal blood count of humans is around 4.5 to 5.5 litres, so I fucking need to eat !" jungkook shouted in one breath while pushing jimin with all his might

"I'm telling you if you suck me out once again completely mark my words you fucker! after my death I will turn into a wrentchful spirit and haunt you all your life!!!, I don't give a fuck if you are vampire"

jungkook was boiled furiously and jimin just blinked his eyes thrice in shock, this was the first time ever anyone tried to disrespect the vampire king and nobody ever tried to talk back against this ruthless vampire and jungkook was cursing jimin right infront of him was jungkook aware what he was doing, after hearing all this jimins eyes turned into crimson red with pure anger and rage

"you fucking piece of shit!, how dare you have the audacity to talk me back, know your place!" jimin raised his voice and grabbed a hold on jungkooks neck tightly almost choking him out and with his other hand he twisted jungkooks hand  behind his back, sound of muscle cracks were heard the way how much pressure jimin applied on his hand by twisting it, loud painful screams were coming out from jungkooks mouth, damn jimin was much powerful and above of all he was looking like a lunatic monster, ofcourse nobody could win against him.

"you fucking piece of shit!, how dare you have the audacity to talk me back, know your place!" jimin raised his voice and grabbed a hold on jungkooks neck tightly almost choking him out and with his other hand he twisted jungkooks hand  behind his...

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[au : I'm shivering guys he is looking insanely hot 😱]

"ah..hh..leave.. me, I can't.. br..eath.., stop it" jungkook pleaded him to leave that's when jin and hoseok comes to save the boy by hearing out his screams, jungkook was lucky enough that hyungs were there to save him from this monster, but he was terrified at the fact that he was almost dead few seconds ago and now he can't even find a single human in this place surrounded by vampires, who eyes his body from top to bottom always in want for blood from the boy or the endearing lust for his beauty, it creeps him out but atleast they can't touch as he was jimins slave.

"Jungkook kid you okay? I mean you are not okay but can you breathe" hoseok asked worried for the boy

"I'm fine Hyung, but I think he broke my hand ! it's paining and I can't move my hand" jungkook said groaning in pain

"what made him to do this with you? he was about to kill you !" jin asked him almost panicking he likes the cute boy it was as if jungkook was giving him son vibes.

"I don't want to talk about him Hyung,
and thankyou so much for saving me"
jungkook bowed to them while grabbing his broken arm he left the place

"hobi I feel very bad for this kid, he is such a sweetie and stuck with that fucking idiot, god why he had to be taes brother otherwise jungkook could have lived his life peacefully"

"yeah I just wish he won't cross Jimin's limits today was almost his end but thanks to us we were on time, I need to go my chamber my mate is probably waiting for me hyung" hoseok said while jin went to namjoon.

holy mother of Jesus ! my hand hell my whole body it is completely torn out, it hurts! that bastard he choked my neck and thank God I'm muscular that my bone isn't actually broken, Park fucking jimin you dickhead monster I will never forget this! Okay I don't have my family, my only brother doesn't know a single thing about my existence and no there is not even single strand of chance that I can get out of this place which makes me to cry out, if I'm going to die however than whats the point of not doing anything.

Jimin you messed with a certified bitch, I don't give a damn about you being a vampire or anything you have now crossed my patience and on top of that you tortured me, for which you have to pay now until now I was bearing. I may sound idiot or fool but geez !never mess with jeon jungkook be ready for me jimin, If I'm about to die then I will but not before taking my revenge.

"Don't underestimate the power of a human jiminssi! let's watch how karma hits you, Jeon Jungkook will show you never to treat humans as weak or pathetic" jungkook said out laughing hysterically like a lunatic crazy psycho while stretching out his muscular body, never underestimate a beauty.


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Vampires Lustful Desire: topjm [Jikook Angst] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now