☆dangerous hot beauty☆

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( au : I'm really sorry for not updating recently, I hope you all enjoy this story make sure to vote and comment 😇)

The bright fresh enchanting morning with glazing golden sunlight cascading down on your face beautiful melody of birds cherping around, what else would be a perfect climate to have a pleasant morning, jungkook groaned annoyingly only to be disturbed from his precious sleep he raised his hands to shut off the alarm which was ringing on the nightstand he quickly woke up and just sat there, seriously why do I have to even work on my day off while hyung is resting out his ass peacefully, oh God what did I ever do wrong nevermind atleast I have the rest of the half day free for myself, I really don't have any intentions to leave my dear bed but I guess I have to can't help, don't wanna be late for my job.

with this thought I did my morning routine, had a hot relaxing shower and then I dressed myself for the day, I need to look cool as we decided to hang out with tae hyungs friends, I don't really have any friends I was all alone these days it's just I'm too much occupied with our responsibilities and nobody seem enough to care about me let's get this work done so that I can enjoy atleast this day.

jungkook had dressed himself in red lined up buttoned shirt along with black tight jeans perfectly hugging those thick thighs paired with a neck tie around his shirt completed his look by styling his hairs perfectly tugged sparkling earrings in his ear piercings after being done he quickly made his way towards hospital he had  surgery be done while tae was sleeping soundly enjoying his free time.

The group finally gathered near forest as it was planned earlier tae was with his friends waiting for jungkook to arrive he called him to ask where he was and jungkook said he would be right there within thirty minutes,
the group started having fun meanwhile the climate was drastically changing it seems like there gonna be heavy storm night, so tae's friends said they would leave early due to the change in climate.

meanwhile :

jimin and yoongi are planning to head out towards forest in order to proceed with their plan which was dealing with the werewolves, however they are not much familiar with human realm as already yoongi mentioned Jimin that his human friend was going to show them the location of that exact forest which was the main base of werewolves where most powerful packs resides, but the only thing is Jimin was unaware that yoongis human friend was actually his mate Jeon taehyung his boyfriend according to humans, internally he was grinning like a teenager who can't wait to meet their high school crush, they were almost near the forest and also it was the same forest where tae, jungkook and their friends had decided to hangout but due to unexpected climatic conditions tae's friends left but only two of their friends were with him, tae sends jungkook their location so that he  could join them later and jungkook was still on his way.

Jungkook and taehyung were the most gorgeous ethereal beauties, their divine charisma was something really different and attractive almost everyone passed over would drool over them, then how come this two people would miss this golden opportunity they were seated infront of the fire logs under open sky with almost nobody around them ,only silence was the thing at the moment tae was very cheerful, fragile person he never knew nor he expected that he was going to face this, it was beyond his imagination how come his two friends which he had trusted them turned out into snakes.

tae's p.o.v :

It has been so long jungkook is still not here our friends left already only two of them are here with me, I hope he won't get drenched in the rain, I was checking on my Insta and suddenly out of nowhere they snatched my phone from my hands and threw it on the ground and crushed it under their shoes, I couldn't understand whats with them with this behaviour Lord they broke my damn phone" hey what the hell is wrong with you, are you fucking crazy !!" I shouted at them fursiosly raising my voice, but they started to hover over me and I couldn't understand what was happening around why were they behaving like this and suddenly one of them pulled my chin and grabbed my hairs harshly, tears started to beam from my eyes ,I tried shoving them away but they were powerful and I can't face two people at the same time.

"stop being a bitch, let's have some fun babyboy!" one of them said and hearing this my eyes widened in fear I can assume now what's going to happen next, he started trailing marks all over my neck, why am I so weak someone please save me I tried so hard escaping out, but couldn't do it they held me tightly clutching around me tightly spreading my legs,very soon they unbottend my shirt and ripped it of from my body I was a crying mess, it felt so disgusted by now pleading or begging them was of no use, why me ! what I ever did to deserve this, tears couldn't stop flowing down through my cheeks, I shouted with all my might until my vocal cord was sore but it was of no use, there is not even a single soul present over here to help me out, is this really my end losing my virginity to some fucking bastards, I felt my body going numb from all crying and struggling when their hands reached my pants, they unbuckled and was about to pull them down to my thighs, harshly biting or kissing all over my upper body, when I heard a loud groan my eyes shot open the one who tried to pull my pants was lying on the ground helding his jaw his nose was bleeding and there I saw jungkook was the one who punched him.

As the man tried to get up jungkook kicked him in his ribcage and threw a busting punch on his face, the man from behind pulled jungkooks leg and punched him on stomach, Jungkook groaned in pain but he stabled himself and landed a high pitched kick exactly on his crotch making the man to hiss in pain loud screams escaped from his mouth and he was on ground, Jungkook eyed the other one he grabbed him by his hairs and twisted the man's hand behind his back the man yelped in pain, tried to attack jungkook but he easily dodged his attack and now jungkook grabbed his collar held man's head in his hands by gripping on his hairs so hard that his scalp would definitely detach from his head and dashed him to the near by tree so hard that blood started oozing from his forehead and he spitted out blood and passed out.

jungkook went near tae who was already a mess and almost was on the verge of hyperventilating but jungkook calmed him down rubbing circles behind his back he quickly took out his jacket and pulled over tae
"Hyung look in my eyes and breathe, I'm here with you, please stop crying, I won't allow anyone to lay a hand on you, please you need to calm down just breathe for me" jungkook said and pulled him in his embrace while
hushing him whispering sweet words and it seems like tae was somewhat better in his brothers embrace who was ruffling his hairs and took his hands to leave this place. jungkook was surely beautiful a divine beauty but he was dangerous at the same time the one who with whom we shouldn't try to mess out.


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