Tim Drake - Other dimensional

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Y/n P.O.V

I've been trying to shift for about 5 months with no progress. I've been trying to go to Gotham city with Batman but so far I've had no escape from the real world.

Tonight I'm going to try again but I'm doubtful. I'm going to be using the Raven method where you lay on your back in a starfish position and count to 100 using affirmations in between every number.

It was 10:00 pm and I was very tired so I was ready to try shifting again so I laid on my back in a starfish position and started counting.

Just when I thought it was a lost cause I saw a bright white light spreading around me. I covered my eyes for the blinding light but then I felt as if I had fallen on the ground of some sort of cave.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a spacious room covered in interesting technology and weapons. The walls were grey and the light was dim but there was so much light emitting from a large computer console that it made up for the dim lights.

I was incredibly excited because this place looked very similar to the batcave, but then I saw six people standing in front of me defensively. The first man was wearing top to bottom black and seemed to be wearing a batman costume. The second was wearing a red helmet like thing with a leather jacket which was covering a very tight fitting armour.

The third was wearing a black mask covering his face with a black and blue costume that resembled a nightwing costume. The fourth was wearing a red and black outfit that looked like a red robin costume with a black mask covering his identity and long-ish black hair.

The fifth one was wearing a robin costume including the murderous look in his eyes. But last but not least an old man was holding a teapot defensively.

I was surrounded by the BATFAMILY!! I was so excited. I had finally shifted and it was better than ever.

"Who are you and how did you get in here" Said a gruff voice which belonged to batman

"Oh I'm Y/n, I don't know how I got in here, nice cosplays though" I replied standing up and brushing myself off.

They all looked confused as if they didn't know what I had meant. The one in the red helmet pointed his guns at me and said "What the fuck is a cosplay?"

I thought to myself that they didn't know what I was talking about since they are the real deal but I decided to play with them for a bit longer. "Would it be weird if I told you that I was from a different reality?" I asked

They looked to each other with smirks on their faces when Nightwing spoke up " I mean kinda since we haven't conversed with people from other dimensions other than our own"

"Well I guess I am the first other dimensional being to talk to speak with you" I said taking a sarcastic dramatic bow "But the first thing you should know about my dimension is that you guys are comic book characters and movie characters"

They looked at each other like they didn't believe me "That being said I know your secret identities" I said, eyeing them to see their reactions. Again they still didn't seem to believe me but also were a bit shocked.

"Fine, then prove it" Damian said stubbornly. I sighed and started the list "Firstly let's start with you guys. Batman is Bruce Wayne. Nightwing is Richard John Grayson. Red Hood is Jason Peter Todd, and Jason I don't know how you thought you could get away with taking the wheels of the Batmobile. Red Robin is Timothy Jackson Drake. Robin is Damian Al'Gul Wayne." I wasn't done but I took a breath before I continued.

"Now let's do some league members. Wonder Woman is Diana Prince. The Flash is Barry Allen. One of the green lanterns is Hal Jordan. Captain Marvel is Billy Batson. Martian Manhunter is John Jones. Superman is Clark Kent. Supergirl is Kara Denver." I was counting them off with my fingers while they all just stood there dumbfounded.

"And finally let's do some young justice members. Blue beetle is Jaime Reyes. Impulse is Bartholomew Allen the second. Kid Flash is Wallace Rudolph West. Miss Martian is Megan Morse. Superboy is Conner Kent. Beast Boy is Garfield Logan. Do you want me to continue?" I said flashing them a smile that said 'I told you so'

"Well I guess we underestimated you Miss Y/n" Alfred said, giving you a cup of tea from the pot he was previously holding at my head.

I sat there drinking my tea calmly while the boys were still standing in their positions shocked to their core. The first one to thaw out of the shock was Tim. He took off his mask and sat down next to me "Are you sure you don't know how you got here?" He asked while I was staring into his beautiful blue orbs. 'Man he is so cute'. I snapped myself out of my thought and decided to tell them the truth.

"Actually I do" I said rubbing my arm nervously "Why are you here then?" Dick asked "Well it's kinda embarrassing but I guess I'll just say it. I'm here because I wanted to" I said after taking a sip of my tea. I was a blushing mess thinking about my huge crush on Tim.

"That doesn't make any sense" Jason said scratching his head, which he had taken out his helmet "Well in my dimension there is a thing you can do called shifting. Basically you can think of anywhere and any place you want to go and then 'shift' there. It took me 5 months even to get here. I've always wanted to meet you guys. I have so much respect for all of you, especially Alfred, Damian and Tim." I blushed looking at Tim after I had said that.

Alfred looked touched and placed a hand on his heart while Damian and Tim just looked dumbfounded again. "I get why you respect Alfred by why me and Demon?" Tim asked, pointing at himself and then Damian.

Something about that statement made my blood boil. Nobody should be defined as a demon, especially Damian. "If you want me to tolerate you Timmy you shouldn't call Damian a demon. He doesn't deserve it after what he's been through. And to answer your question I respect you because you are very hardworking and you do anything in your power to solve a case even if it's to stay up until 5 in the morning after drinking 10 cups of coffee. And I respect Damian because after the way he's been raised he still does his best to do the right thing" I said looking at Damian sympathetically.

When I said that Damian looked less stiff and walked over to me. I was very surprised when he leaned down, he is taller than me, and hugged me. I got THE DAMIAN WAYNE to hug me!! I immediately hugged him back and he whispered in my ear "Thank you"

Everyone was surprised when he did this including Alfred "You are very welcome Damian" I whispered back while pulling back from the hug.

To be continued

A/N I hope you enjoyed

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