Damian x reader - The Joke of the day

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Mom : Harley

Mama : Ivy

Trigger warning : blood, bad treatment


Y/n P.O.V

"Now remember peaches, it takes two men to take what one woman could" My mom said to me

I was in the 'living room' of our 'house'. You see I am the daughter of the infamous Joker. *eye roll* Although he is my biological father, I don't consider him as such. I prefer to think of my moms as my parents. Yes you read that right. 

My biological mother is Dr.Harleen Quinzel   a.k.a Harley Quinn, my other mother is Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley   a.k.a Poison Ivy. (They are actually married!! I ship) My dad doesn't care about me but he sometimes asks for my help for his evil plans which are normally thwarted by the black bat and his sidekick.

I normally get hurt during these situations so I try to stay out of them as much as possible. I don't do this by choice. I don't know how many times I have to tell Joker. I. DON'T. LIKE. HURTING. PEOPLE.

But does he ever listen to me or treat me like a human being? No. Never has he ever shown signs of sympathy towards me, let alone my mom! It just gets annoying and rude sometimes but whenever I try to stand up to him I get punishments. Sometimes he locks me in my 'bedroom' without food for a day, sometimes he hits me and sometimes he does both. Ivy and Harley do their best to stop his psycotic behavior but if you ask me, he won't stop until he gets what he wants. Batman dead. Even then I don't even think he'll ever stop being the monster that he is until the day he dies.

Harley and Ivy were teaching me since I can't go to school according to Joker and I was getting tired and Mama seemed to notice.

"Sweetie are you getting tired?" She said in a sweet voice, pushing the hair out of my face

This immediately got the attention of Mom and she looked at me as if she were trying to read my mind

"Kinda" I responded with a yawn while shrugging my shoulders

"Then you should get to -" Mama was cut off from the slam of the living room door.

I looked at the doorway and was disgusted to see my father with his trademark grin.

"Hello ladies, I need Joker Jr. to accompany me!" He said dramatically

I sighed and got up. I knew that whenever he said that I was supposed to follow him out with no questions asked. Before leaving the room completely I waved goodbye to my mothers before Joker grabbed the back of my shirt and dragged me along.

"So what do you want me to this time?" I sighed

"Well Jr.  today we have a new guest who is crashing over" He said with a sickening smile

As he said that he opened the door to the basement and I saw a figure attached to a small chair. I gasped as I got closer and saw that it was The Boy-Wonder!

"You kidnapped him!" I yelled at Joker

"I prefer to call it creative collecting" He replied with the same smile as before

It turned out that Robin was woken up by our yelling. When he woke he looked up at me and the look on his face made me feel so guilty. I know that I had nothing to do with his kidnapping but I knew at that moment that I would do everything in my being to free him from my psycotic father.

"So what do you need me for?" I asked sharply which earned me a slap in the face for my attitude

"I don't need you for anything brat. I just want someone watching the boy-blunder. And I chose you because if he escapes, then I get to kill you" He said, whispering the last part

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