Jaime Reyes x reader - Surprise Secret

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Y/n P.O.V

These past few weeks have been hard without my best friends Jaime and Tye. All was fine until a couple of months ago. since then Jaime has been really busy with "Stuff". It's wasn't that bad because I had Tye to hang out with but a couple weeks ago he disappeared with not even a call or text to tell me.

To say that I was lonely would be an understatement. Tye was gone and I only ever saw Jaime at school or for a minute at the skatepark. The worst part of it was that they didn't tell me anything at all. If Jaime had a secret he didn't tell me and I hadn't heard from Tye in weeks!

I was depressed and lonely. The only thing that brought me joy was looking at the texts in our group chat. 

A couple days ago I got a message that Tye was going to start at a specialized school! It was just perfect. One of my best friends left me and the other doesn't talk to me much anymore. The only thing that distracted me from that was homework and tv. Ever since they left my grades have gone up and I have now seen every single episode of The Umbrella Academy.

I am now on my skateboard at the skatepark trying to do a kickflip. It was always better when someone else was here to help me but I was on my own this time. I bended my knees and jumped. It was it was in slow motion, my skateboard flew up and started to turn and before I knew it my feet were almost on it. At the last second my skateboard turned to much and I fell down hard on the ground.

It hurt but it always does so it didn't bother me. I was dusting myself off when someone offered their hand to help me get up. I looked up and saw JAIME!! It had been so long since I had seen him that I jumped up and hugged him harder than I ever had before. I was laughing and crying from happiness.

"Hey Hermosa" He said with a smile

I never knew Spanish and he would never tell what it meant so I just went with it

"Hey Jaime, where have you been?" I asked him wondering what his excuse was this time

"Oh um, just some stuff you shouldn't worry about" He said nervously

My smile fell and said "Oh okay" while rubbing my arm

At that moment he got a phone call which he answered faster than he had ever answered my calls

"Hey, what's happening?" He asked to the person on the line, his worry lines very prominent

I heard mumbles and eventually he hung up and said he had to go home and then he left. Once again I had been left alone and it seemed like no one cared. I also noticed that he went the wrong way to his house. I was very confused so I followed him. He stopped behind a bush and I did the same, hiding in a bush close enough that he couldn't see me but close enough that I could see him.

Out of nowhere tentacle like things sprouted from his back and wrapped around him until he was fully covered with armor. He was BLUE BEETLE!!!! BLUE FRICKIN BEETLE!!!! I can't believe he didn't tell me. But it explains why he constantly has to leave and is always busy.

I smirked as I thought of an idea to test if this was really real or if it was a hallucination.


I was at the top of a tall building now all I had to do was wait for blue beetle to come. I brought a book with me incase it took awhile.

It was really windy but I didn't care. I just waited and waited.

It was really boring waiting for Blue to come around. I mean for a guy who can fly, he's really slow. Suddenly I saw a blue speck in the sky, and as it came closer to the city I saw that it was Blue Beetle. I put my book down and got into position.

I stood at the edge of the roof and held my arms to my sides. Once I was sure that he saw me I leaned forward and fell. The wind was rushing past me and my hair was flying everywhere. I closed my eyes waiting for impact, not of the ground but of the arms of my blue hero.

As I expected I landed in his arms and he brought me back to the roof. He put me down and practically yelled "Why would you do that!!!"

"What do you care?" I asked him back

"Because I'm a hero, it's what I do!" He said "Just tell me why would you do that"

"I did it because in the past few months both of my only friends have either left without saying a word to me or just ignored me" I said frustrated "I've been left alone to deal with my problems and left alone with no friends. They have other friends, I don't"

Even though he was wearing a mask I could see guilt written all over his face. His posture sank and he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry about that. You must have terrible friends" He said sadly looking down

"Nope. I had the best friends ever I even have a crush on one of them, but I guess they didn't think the same about me" I said

His face lit up and he said " Let me show you something"

After that the mask came down and soon enough he was in jeans and his grey sweater. I smiled when I saw his brown eyes.

"Hey Hermosa" 

"Hey Jaime"

There was a moment of silence and then we both burst  out laughing, hugging each other. 

"I didn't know you felt that way but I'm sorry Y/n/n" he said with a sad smile

"It's okay Jaime, well, now it is"

He looked like he was deep in thought for a moment before softly saying "Beautiful"

"What?" I asked

"Hermosa means Beautiful" He said looking at me with those orbs that I love so much

I blushed hard and said

"Well I like like you so I guess we're even"

{*debby ryan*}

It was like some disney stuff when we both leaned in and locked lips in a passionate kiss


I hope you liked it

Have a great day, night wherever you are in the world

Stay Crash!

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