Tim Drake x reader - Morning Coffee

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Here are the ages

Dick: 27



Damian: 15


Y/n is a waitress at a cafe and one day the Wayne brothers come for breakfast


Y/n P.O.V

I worked at the best small business coffee shop in Gotham. It was called 'The Coffee Club'. We had lots of very loyal customers who came back almost every day but we still weren't as good as some of the better known coffee shops in this crime infested city.

It was a beautiful Monday morning and I had a morning shift so I got out of bed early and got dressed for work. The uniform was a white blouse with jeans and a black apron/skirt. It was a bit bland but I didn't mind. Most of the time I add a hair accessory or wear a pair of cool shoes, so today I picked a pair of black and white vans plus a y/f/c headband. I looked at myself in the mirror and it still seemed a bit bleh so I decided to grab some red lipstick.

Once I left my apartment complex I was glad that I had grabbed a sweater because, like usual, it was windy and cold.

Once I got to the cute corner shop I opened the double doors. A satisfying jingle was heard from the small bell on the door.

"Hey Jess" I said waving to my co-worker and putting my bag down

"Good morning Y/n" She said yawning

I laughed and told her "Go home and sleep Jess, I've got the counter and Sam is baking the croissants, pancakes and waffles in the back"

"Thank god. I was hoping you'd say that"

Jess grabbed her things and hugged me before leaving the small shop

'Well I guess I'm on my own for now'  I thought


It was around 9:00 am and business had been pretty good, we got a couple new people and a lot of old ones but the most interesting customers were the 4 young men who came for breakfast. The moment they came in I knew exactly who they were. They were the Wayne brothers, aka the princes of Gotham.

I have no idea why they came here for breakfast but I was glad they did because it gave us a chance to demonstrate our talents and to prove that we are as good as the other businesses.

"Good morning, what can I get you?" I said politely to the men when the came to the counter

Tim P.O.V

This morning my brothers and I decided to go out for breakfast since we had a rough patrol last night.

"Where should we go?" I asked

"We should go to this new place in town, it's called 'The Coffee Club'. Babs went there once and she said it was great" My big brother Dick said

"Sounds adequate" Damian said putting his hands in his pockets


We were in line to go get our order but unlike other places the line moved fast and smoothly. When it was our turn we got the the counter and a gorgeous girl with beautiful hair and eyes said

"Good morning, what can I get you?"

She was very polite and calm compared to everyone else in the room. She was wearing a white blouse, blue jeans and a black apron, but unlike all of the other staff she was wearing a headband and had bold red lipstick.

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