Miss Martian x reader - Unexpected message

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Okay so I will be using they/them pronouns in this one, incase some of you aren't comfortable with she/her or he/him pronouns.

Should I use They/Them pronouns in every one of my stories to make you more comfortable?

Also in this one M'Gann likes Y/n and does something about it in the form of food.


M'Gann P.O.V 

It was finally the day that I would tell Y/n how I felt about them. I was really nervous about it but then I reminded myself  'If they reject me then i'll have an entire cake to eat in shame'  

That was my plan. A cake. I mean who doesn't like cake, right? It took awhile to figure out what Y/n's favorite type of cake but I finally got it from Batman. Of course I asked Batman. He knows everything practically but I was really surprised he actually told me.

"It's y/f/c" He said when I asked him

"Oh, thank you Batman"

Anyways, all I had to do after that is find a recipe for it on the internet and then make the cake........................ and then give it to Y/n. That was the worst part since I didn't know  how this was going to go but nevertheless I made the cake. It took me a bit longer than I expected but the part that took the longest was writing the inscription onto the cake with icing.

Y/n P.O.V

It was a normal friday morning. Robin was training with KF, Zatanna was practicing her spells, Aqualad was overseeing the training, Conner was brooding in the corner. He was probably thinking about how Superman doesn't love him or something. But the weird thing was that M'Gann was in the kitchen, which would be normal, but this time she wouldn't let anyone in AT ALL. Not even Conner or KF, which I found surprising.

I decided that I was going to read a book from the library while I wait for a mission or something important to arise. I walked through the halls of the mountain and entered the library. I slowly walked in between the bookshelves, looking for a book to read when my eyes landed on the spine of a blue book. I grabbed it gently and looked at the book 'The fault in our stars' it read.

I was intrigued and sat down on a chair to read it.


The book turned out to be so sad and sentimental. I was about to grab another book when I heard footsteps coming. I turned to the doorway and saw Miss M. She was blushing and awkwardly holding a cake while looking down.

"Hey M, do you need help with anything?" I asked the nervous martian

"O-oh, no. I-it's just that I made you a cake" She stuttered, finally getting eye contact with me

My eyes went wide and I blushed "Really. Why?"

She sighed deeply and said "I need to tell you something and ask you a question"

I tilted my head like a confused puppy and said "Sure. Go ahead"

She stepped forward and gave me the cake. I looked down at the cake and saw she had written something on it. It said

'I like you Y/n.

If you like me too, would you like to be my partner'

I blushed even more and smiled from ear to ear. I looked up at her and nodded. She smiled more than I ever thought possible. I then put the cake down and engulfed her in a huge hug. I can't believe she liked me too. 

M'Gann P.O.V

My mission has been completed.


This is now one of my favorites of my one-shots and I hope you like it too.

Stay Whelmed!

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