Roy x Reader- Night-time visit

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So Y/n like to sit on the roof of her apartment building to read but what happens when an unsuspecting red-head comes along

Y/n's P.O.V

It was almost sundown and so I grabbed all of the possible blankets and pillows that I could carry and headed to the roof. Luckily I was on the top floor so it wasn't that hard, besides nobody cares when you go up there.

When I reached the roof I walked over to the only clean space, which was only clean because I cleaned it, and sat down. I made myself comfortable in my piles of blankets and pillows before taking out my book. 'The Land of Stories, The Wishing Spell(A/N It's really good I recommend it) It's about a pair of 12 year old twins who find a way into a different dimension where fairy tales are true.

I noticed that the sun was setting and put my book down for a moment to watch the beautiful occurrence. At first the colors were a lovely mix of yellow, beige, orange and pink, but as time went on it became darker and darker until I only had the moonlight to use to read.

It was very dark around me but I didn't even pay attention. I was warped into the plot and the very words that make the world that I love.

'You kids should get going. I only scared the wolves for a bit, they'll be back sooner or later'  Goldilocks said in the book. 'I should probably get to bed, it's getting pretty late' I thought.

I placed my bookmark in between the pages and created a makeshift bag using the blankets and pillows . I got up when suddenly I feel a presence behind me but I think it's just my imagination. 

"Wait! Don't jump!" I heard a distressed voice behind me say

"What?" I asked confused

I turned around to see Red Arrow! RED FRICKIN ARROW!! Even though it was dark outside I could see his fiery red hair and his red 'uniform'

"What are you talking about?" I ask him while fixing my hair to look presentable in front of the handsome vigilante

"I thought you were going to jump off" He said worriedly, walking towards me

As he got closer to me I could see his features even better than before. He had muscles that seamed to be sculpted by the gods and, god he was tall. I looked up at his vibrant red hair and it looked so smooth yet so spiky. I wanted to run my hands through it, it was the best hair that I had ever seen on a human being.

"Oh gods no" I said laughing "I was just reading"

"Oh, well. See you later Y/n I guess" He said waving and then running away, jumping over roof after roof.

"Bye Red Arrow" I replied waving, seeing as his figure moved away from me

I started walking back to my bedroom and only when I was in my bed about to go back to sleep did a troubling thought occur.

'How did he know my name?'


Well I hope you liked it and I will probably do a part two to this if you want me too. I hope you're having a good day, night wherever you are in the world and I'll see you later

Stay Crash!

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